Is driving a car a privilege or a right?

The constitution guarantees my pursuit of happiness and my ability to earn a living. Once I pay my taxes and obtain a license and insurance I have the right to use any public highway or road. The Mercedes Benz I drive is a privilege, driving it on the highway is my right! Why do conservatives always want to take away our rights?


  • A privilege. Nobody has a right to drive. You've got some hoops to jump through first. If you do this successfully, then you can drive. You don't have to jump through hoops for rights ….. well not after you’ve jumped through the difficult hoops to get them..

  • It's a privilege, not a right. While the Constitution guarantees happiness, there is a limit.

  • a individual might desire to have the impressive to purchase a vehicle. utilising it is going to be a privilege, I propose have you ever considered the idiots on the line? The states are nicely in the scope of the form to require a drivers license. exchange X The powers no longer delegated to usa by capacity of the form, nor prohibited by capacity of it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the human beings. possibly they might desire to might desire to have a warrant to seek your vehicle for something that may not in undeniable sight. That being stated for the reason that that they had possibly reason they might are turning out to be the warrant besides.

  • Driving is a privilege that is regulated by the states. Nobody is trying to take away anything.

  • State law stipulates that driving is a privilege, not a right.

  • You have to pass a driving test to get a driver's license. If you have to earn it, it is a privilege.

    A right is something you don't have to earn.

  • privilege!

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