Pat down searches at a concert?

Does the security perform the pat down searches towards everybody at a concert to make sure they're not bringing in any drugs or illegal weapons or would they only do it under suspicion of whether if they're acting strange or not? I have never gone to a concert before and I would like to go to one.


  • They should never perform any pat down searches on your body unless if you're hiding something that draws suspicion.

  • The last time I went to a concert was Rush in 94.They didn't pat me down or my wife,(girlfriend at that time),they did have metal detectors and made me empty my pockets to make sure i didn't have any knife or weapons.At the time I did have pot and I had it in my socks.

    I also went to a AC/DC concert and the same thing happened.

  • it depends where the venue is, if you are going to a big concert then there is the metal detectors and pretty much screening like at the airports, and in smaller places they do it with the little wand for metal detection, they won't touch you, unless you have something metalic and don't want to show it. so relax and don't bring anything dumb into a concert, just your good attitude!

  • As long as Eva Longoria pats me down *Rimshot* I'd make it a requirement to carry weapons to a Carrie Underwood concert *double Rimshot*

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