Myspace Vs Facebook Pros Vs Cons?

I want to know which is better. Pros vs Cons style though.

your opinions? what is good about myspace. what is good about facebook.

and what is bad about them too.


  • ♥♥♥ Myspace Pros ♥♥♥

    ♥ the ability to express yourself via complete layout customization

    ♥ you can have as many friends as you want

    ♥ your name can be whatever you want

    ♥ easy to upload and share original music

    ♥♥♥ Myspace Cons ♥♥♥

    ♥ layouts get annoying with all the sparkles and bright colors

    ♥ it's much more for teenagers than adults

    ♥ not professional whatsoever

    ♥ not really a good way to keep in touch with family

    ♥ no relationship feature

    ♥ NOT developer-friendly: they want to stay away from third party involvement

    ♥ fewer options for privacy

    █║▌│ █│║▌ ║││█║▌ │║║█║ │║║█║

    ♥♥♥ Facebook Pros ♥♥♥

    ♥ professional, more mature

    ♥ easier to keep in touch with relatives, friends, colleagues

    ♥ much more future-minded than Myspace - developer-friendly and an evergrowing API for third parties

    ♥ thousands of applications, games, features, and the ability to make your own

    ♥ many privacy options, active protection of minors

    ♥ a built-in instant messaging system to chat quickly and easily

    ♥♥♥ Facebook Cons ♥♥♥

    ♥ 5,000 friend limit

    ♥ no official layout customization, but there's third-party customization with PageRage

    ♥ plenty of downtime, updates, glitches

    ♥ you must use your real name; no symbols

  • Facebook is much cleaner and originally it had an older crowd, and I still feel that that's true. Myspace generally has a bunch of 15 year old kids, usually very emo. Facebook is much more secure and all of its services are much better, such as the tagging system and everything that is part of the photo system on facebook is better. Myspace is more of a music website, whereas I find facebook to be much easier to use and less in your face.

  • One pro i definitely notice about facebook is that colleges will see a "cleaner" page because of no abrutive music, bizzare backgrounds, or people's attempt to act badass.

    I feel like everyone on facebook is more private too. Not much spam messages. Maybe every oncein awhile if you're part of a school club.

    It is great to use if you have a quick favor to ask someone late at night. I have used it a few times for that reason. Its awesome

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