How do I prevent freckles?

Lately, I've been getting more freckles because I'm in the sun. I try to stay out of it, but when we go out for recess at school, there is no shade. I use an acne medication that includes benzoyl peroxide, so it increases my sensitivity to the sun. I can apply sunscreen, but if I apply it in the morning, it wears off before we go out which is about 1 o' clock. The sunscreen also clogs my pores, so I get even more breakouts. What can I do to prevent freckles from appearing on my face? How do I get rid of the freckles already there, or at least fade them?


  • Try a moisturizer that contains sunscreen. These are made for your face and should be less likely to clog your pores. I know that since you are at school, you probably can't bring a hat or anything, but you should ask. Its a little irresponsible of schools, now that i think of it, to not allow you to protect your skin and also not offer some place out of direct sunlight...

  • Don't prevent them or get rid of them. When you're older you'll realize that freckles are quite attractive. I assume from the "recess" part you're 12 or under. Wait a few years. Then you'll see what I mean.

  • i have heard that if stay out of the sun that they you will see them less. since there is no shade at recess you could bring like a hat to wear. that would block the sun.

  • try noncomodegenic sunscreen. it wont clog ur pores! i think theres good oil free ones by clean and clear. the SOFT line looks good

  • invest in a really good sunblock. get one that's non-cosmonogenic, non oily, with a high factor spf thats designed to be used on your face. clinique does good ones. reapply throughout the day. also, wear a hat.

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