Yahoo Calendar issues continue?

Spotty availability of the new Yahoo calendar and links in various Yahoo products (mail, My Yahoo, etc.) do not work most of the time now. It takes a long time to load and sometimes you only get a month or two before errors. What you add does not always show up. And so on!

IF you get into the calendar, and it is working, your best best to to EXPORT it in a format which will work in other calendars such as GOOGLE. You cannot export through IE without long hangs, but if you use Firefox, you can usually grab an EXPORT file easily there. You should download it in all the possible file options for your own records. Then find other on-line calendars like Google's and import it there. That way you at least have an option if the Yahoo calendar is not working. I know how difficult it is when you cannot get into it since I keep all my calendar info in an on-line calendar and learned I needed to have a backup to access appts. etc. I hope Yahoo fixes this because it is very convenient having it available through the My Yahoo and MAIL areas, but the Google one does work well as a substitute. Hope this has helped someone. And hope Yahoo reads this!


Received (below my original post):

TWO responses totally unrelated to what my "question" covered - I was simply making comments and suggestions. I am quite computer literate and the "hanging" has NOTHING to do with my cache/history which is cleared every time I exit my browser! I also have tried chat and the feedback links and HELP links and these go nowhere. I have used Yahoo for a long time, moderated groups at YahooGroups, and basically know my way around. So take the suggestions in my original comments as trying to help others who had mentioned their frustrations at not being able to view their calendars because they had important business appts. there.

You have dumbed-down my post and I find it demeaning.


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