Do i have a mental disorder?

okay well, i prob sound like a stupid tawt but still !

i LOVE saw films and the idea of blood and **** and people dieing, me and friend made a list 'hundred and one ways to die!" which is really disturbing but i can watch things like saw, but if i see a rabbit or like an animal die, i like cry.

however, i don't know what to do, i also have a biting problem, i LOVE to bite people and chew pencils i find it FUNNY and start laughing.

also, i maybe only attention seeking but thats what i think about...

i always want to be hurt, like i want to break bone BADLY, and i want to see a ghost, and when i sit on the trains... or buses.. i always think... 'i wonder if it would crash, how great would that be, wonder who would miss me" and then i act like a flirt with guys (call me a slag w/e) and then ill feel guilty because i have a boyfriend >.< and then ill tell em to **** off and i never want to see them again ! because i blame it on them

please help ! :S im a ******* FREAK ! if i have a disorder... and which one...


  • Other people are like this too and are sought are sought after by a certain industry. It is called sadomasochism. My suggestion, become a model, work for big bucks in the po*rn industry.

  • Okay, first of all Saw is one of the most popular horror films around at the minute. Personally, I love them and most of my friends love them and we don't find that weird at all. A lot of people also like films and games with a lot of blood and violence, it's completely normal. I can watch humans in films being mudered and dying without being bothered, but I cry if an animal is hurt and that's normal too.

    Chewing pens and pencils is a habit that a large part of the population have, and although biting people isn't as normal there are plenty of people who do that too so don't worry about that at all.

    As for always wanting to be hurt, it could be that you don't get enough attention and want more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It could be that you have low self esteem and you want to know who would actually care if you were hurt. It could be that you're bored at the moment and you're looking for something dramatic to happen to you. You might just want some sympathy. There are many other things that could be the reason and most of them are reason for a mental disorder. There are a lot of people who want to be hurt in some way, I know in the past I have had similar feelings. It would only be an issue if you started to hurt yourself purposefully in which case I would strongly recommend getting professional help.

    As for flirting with guys, you obviously seem to know that it is your fault and not theirs and it sounds as if maybe you just want a bit more attention. You have to ask yourself if you're happy with your boyfriend or if you feel a bit neglected. And if you are happy then have the strength to realise when you are flirting and walk away, and if you do yell at them then appologise.

    Don't worry, you're not a freak, but if you still feel unsure about your mental state then go to your GP and they will be able to advise you - don't worry, they shouldn't judge you or anything.

    Hope this helped.

  • No to 1. No to 2. Three is the cure and the charm. There are millions of genetic disorders that are treated every day and people get to lead a normal life, though there is no cure for many. In your case actually you are quite lucky, your underlying problems are anxiety and depression. They are very easliy treatable in your case. You do not even need a psychologist just yet, ask you family physician that you want to try some anti-depressant that will address your depression and anxiety. This will bring immediate relief to you (72 hours) and your urges to tear at yourself will decrease rather drastically. If you cannot even do that for yourself, there is nothing else I can tell you. Just remember it is an illness like any other and must be treated. @Earthquake you are as much a psychology student as "Psychology Mullah" was. LMAO. This time you should call yourself Maximum Exposure. lol

  • yeah biting pencils is just top class humour. You would be better off going to see a psychologist. You know why? You are actually asking if you have a mental disorder. That should be enough to make you think that you are. Hardly anything of what you have put could be considered ' normal or well balanced'

  • Not really, it doesn't really sound like it

    However, if you were worried or scared by these thoughts and you wished you never thought them and it played on your mind and they tortured you this would be OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And these thoughts would be obsessions. But to me it doesn't sound like OCD you just sound a bit quirky, maybe ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) look it up.

  • is not like a disorder we grow up and like certain stuff, while it is inside your mind and do not do this is fine

  • A bit odd. . . .

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