Community college transfer?

whats the requirements to transfer to like a UC? i took a placement test and i screwed up and choose the wrong test... now im in Elementary Algebra! what do i do? can i still get my AA and transfer?


  • Talk to your community college counselor about retaking the placement test.

    If you have an idea of what major you want to study, then you can look up your required courses at by selecting the name of your community college and the 4-year college you wish to transfer to in the future.

    If you don't know your major yet, but know you need to complete the IGETC (which works for most majors; except business, engineering, or nursing), then you can also look up the classes you can take to fulfill the IGETC at by selecting the name of yoru community college and either "IGETC for UC and CSU" or "UC Transfer Admission Eligibility Courses."

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