How much do commercial JET crew get paid?

I am very intrested in aircrafts how they work fly and the works.But ive always wondered.How much do the flight attendents,and pilots get paid.

Please note I do mean the huge Boeing 737-767 jets.

If you know please tell me and make it clear which is which.


  • Go here:

    on the right hand side is a box called Pay Comparisons, it'll have what you need.

    For example, 737 captains top pay rate (if they have been there a long time), goes from $117/hr to $190/hr, but they typically only get 70-80 hours per month. Also, for every hour they get paid, they spend 3 away from home, so it's not so glamorous as it looks.

  • For IFR commercial traffic no they don't. Many landings are made when the visibility is less than a mile. Obviously in these conditions, to do that it would be necessary for aircraft to fly at the level of the tower cab, often less than 200 feet above the ground and fly very close to the tower. That would be extremely dangerous. If a controller does notice an aircraft does not have its gear down, the controller will notify the aircraft the gear does not APPEAR down. Appear is the operative word required in FAA order 7110.65 since from a few miles out controllers cannot be certain. The only exception is military aircraft. Controllers are required to give a "check gear down" call to remind the pilots. Flaps use is solely up to the pilot. If the crew thinks they can stick a no flap landing in a 747 on a 6,000 foot runway, so be it. Cameras on the ground won't work, because, well, if you have 600 feet overcast and a quarter mile visibility...well that wont do any good at all in day let alone night. Besides who are you going to get to monitor all the incoming pictures?

  • If your not a pilot what we get paid has no bearing on what you'll get paid. If you become a pilot you will never ever start out as a pilot, maybe co-pilot at best but I don't think so. It will take years to be a pilot and pay will not be the same when you get there. It does pay better then flipping burgers if that's what you mean. I say go for it. It's a great job

  • It really depnds upon your aircraft you fly and if you make captain. Typically if you ar doing short hops flying smaller aircraft like for american eagle, $30,000 is realistic. However if you are captain of a 767 you might make 139,000 depending on years of service.

  • I think they get paid per flights they fly, they fly 1 day and rest 3 days. Pilots, get paid more.

  • Flying bus drivers make too much..around 70-150K a year. on-board personel varies..nav the same as the pilot.stewards(esses) make around 40K .. on the tarmac mostly hourly wages.. 10-17 bucks and hour

  • pilots around some 2,50,000 rupees (minimum)

    after all depends upon post and airline..

  • the ones who take off from the wrong runway get paid way too much

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