Pokemon Trades!!!! Mew Included!!?

Hey people this is first come first serve here so let me give it to you I am crazy lol I am giving away a Lvl 100 Mew for any Shinies,Legendaries like Jirachi,Deoxys,Entei,Suicune,Raiku,Raquaza,Kyogre,Groudon etc.( I already have Manaphy so I will not accept any Manaphys. )

I am also trading for Arceus,Darkrai,Shaymin.

I also have Empoleon lvl 100.Kanto Starters,Hoenn Starters,Spiritomb,Heatran,Sinnoh Starters,Alakazam,Golem,etc. If you would like to trade for others please IM or email me at [email protected].

Thank You!! P.S The level hundreds I have are Mew and Empoleon. I do not have Wi-Fi so I am going to be on tommorow for about 1 hour only so come quick!!.


  • I've got a Lv100 Entei,and 2 Jirachi's one is Lv39 and the other is Lv 52.So For these three can I get Mew,Turtwig and Piuplup?

    By the way,I will only be on this Sunday from 3:30 - 5:30.


    FC:2019 7142 8410

    E-Mail me your Name And FC.

  • Could i have your shaymin..ill trade my level 100 Blaziken or my Jirachi, But ill have to trade with my cousin first..lol Friend code is 4940 2899 3820 name MARCUS

  • halv of us have action replay so we have lvl 1000 mews and others so dont make a big deal...

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