Do your prefer rescues or breeders?

I personally prefer puppies from breeders, because I find they have a more stable temperament, and I know exactly where they come from and how they were raised. They are generally more confident IMO. What about you? Which do you prefer and why?


When I say breeders, I am talking about ethical and reputable breeders. I would never purposefully buy a puppy from a BYB...


  • I don't have an issue with reputable, ethical breeders, but I do have a problem with backyard breeders. Why support and encourage people to keep producing puppies when we kill millions every single year?

    I prefer to rescue. I have no intention of showing a dog, and no intention of breeding quality, champion puppies, so I'm not going to buy from a reputable breeder. I would rather save a life. I also prefer to adopt adults.

    Just because you get a dog as a puppy from a breeder, does not guarantee a more stable temperament. The reason is because the vast majority of breeders are backyard breeders, not ethical breeders. I do adopt adults, but I also work with dogs for a living and am a much better judge of a dog than the average person. There are always risks, because a problem may not show itself until later, but I have only had success with my adoptions.

  • I certainly have 2 dogs on the 2nd, a a million.5 3 hundred and sixty 5 days previous male Kai Ken and an 8.5 month previous woman Mastiff mixture. The Kai Ken is organic, yet is a rescue. His breeder dumped the entire muddle at his vet after experiencing monetary themes, the vet raised the muddle and accompanied them out. The Mastiff mixture is from an oops muddle. I celebrate with the reward of the two rescue and purebred. There are 2 breeds I see myself possessing interior the destiny. One is a Cane Corso, which i might in basic terms get from a breeder with AKC-FSS inventory. the different is a Bichon Frise, which i might gladly get from a rescue. i think of one might desire to undertake while achievable, yet there are circumstances the place a breeder makes extra experience. i might prefer to pursue Schutzhund with the Cane Corso. Having a particular objective in techniques for the dogs makes making use of a breeder make extra experience. so a procedures as age, my Corso might prefer to be a doggy so as that i might desire to magnificent practice and practice it for Schutzhund (there are routines one does with a doggy to construct its drives for competing). however the Bichon, i might certainly prefer an person. i will in no way have extra effective than 2 dogs at a time, so it quite is going to be a at the same time as in the previous i'm getting the two of those breeds!

  • I actually prefer rescues - I like getting a slightly older dog that I can directly assess. I'm not a big fan of adolescent angst, teething, or potty training tiny bladders. Since I'm usually looking for a dog that has too much energy, intelligence, and drive to fit into a "normal" family, I often have my pick of 1-2 year olds. I can look at how they have matured and not guess from a pup. You do have to be patient and picky to get that higher caliber dog from rescue - I've driven pretty far and I've walked away from a lot of dogs after going to a lot of trouble to set up a meet-and-greet.

    I have nothing against great breeders and my next dog will probably be a well-bred purebred from a great breeder.

    Either can be a great dog source, provided you do your homework and don't let either an anxious seller/rescue volunteer or this big brown eyes sway your better judgement.

  • Rescues, most Pom Breeders are back yard Breeders where I live. Really the ``fact`` that Dogs from Breeders can be more confident and stable then a Dog from a Shelter is untrue from the fact that I`m living with a confident stable rescue Pomeranian, and that you can get a badly bred Dog with messed up genetics and stuff from a byb.

  • I prefer to get the dog/pup from the best resource *I* feel is right.

    If that animal is in a rescue? Fine. Breeder? Fine. Shelter? Fine.

    Behind the garbage bin on the street corner where it was dumped? Fine.

    I don't give a darn WHERE it cometh from. I just want the individual dog to be what I need.

    All this jackass-sheet about breeders this and rescues that......and a dog from a shelter is a piece of crap? A dog from a backyard breeder is a piece of crap? A dog from a rescue?

    How the hell does anyone know that? Please enlighten me because I have and have had ALL.

    Oh, yes....I forgot. I have had dogs from highly reputable breeders. Very much so. Neither dog was anything outstanding. And both were completely different temperaments, both were Labs and both were from the same excellent breeder.

    I call all of this serious prejudices. Go where you want. It is your money, your choice. Just don't tell ME where to go.

  • Shelters and rescues are usually the places I check first,there are allot of good dogs out there who need a home and I have yet to get a bad dog from either.Not that I dont like reputable breeders as I used one for 2 of my current dogs but I just prefer to check out the other options before resorting to a breeder,just my opinion.

  • Those are incredibly valid reasons to prefer breeders! Personally, I say shelters because I'm soft like that and I feel that anything that isn't pbr gets a lot of bad press but sometimes you want a show dog or something to breed from again or maybe you just always dreamed of owning a dog of a particular breed. I know I'll be having a mixture of rescues and pbs later on in life

  • Breeders. I mean, I wish I could say I preferred rescues, but the last dog I got was a rescue, and she eventually had kidney failure and it was so heartbreaking I could never go through that again. However she was one of the best dogs I"ve ever had.

  • Personally i prefer rescues... however not old rescues, ones that are between 6 months and 18months simply for the fact that they started out in a bad life and they will always remember that and i think that's why i find that they are ever so much more grateful for your love and what you have rescued them from.

    Though i do think that it is completely personal preference in what you prefer in a dog.

  • We have only bought 2 dogs from breeders the rest were give to us or strays. All had good temperaments.

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