In Eminem's VMA promo, he falls onto a pentagram, does it mean something special?

Have you all seen Em's VMA promo video? He falls onto a pentagram of Walk of Fame. However you can tell, it's not a genuine Walk of Fame star... And then he stands up, walks towards another ego of himself, who is standing at the end of Walk of Fame. Then these two egos merge into one. Does this mean the rebellious ego will never overcome the obedient one? Does the pentagram mean anything else other than representing fame here? I know in some occult culture, they put a sacrificial animal onto a pentagram, could it mean that the higher-ups are in total control of Em's breaking away from them?


There is a behind-scenes footage of this promo, in which Em kept saying that: "they" came up with the shooting plot, he just followed instructions, like a hamster imprisoned in a hamster ball. That's why I start to look at the promo from the Illuminati's point of view...


  • You know, I never really thought about it, I'm going to go watch it again and watch closely, I do get where you're coming from, but I seriously doubt that the rebellious Em had been caged because on his album he's still having fun like in WTP. (Here's the link to the video for those who are lazy to pull it up themselves (Kidding.) My best guess is to think that it's about in Not Afraid Where he's leading people out of 'that place' and at the same time he's getting to the VMA or just Hollywood itself (Which he already has because of the Walk of Fame?)

  • Well, this is a long and sordid tale. First, the upside-down pentagram meaning "devil worship" is promoted by Hollywood. That's where the association of the pent with two points up with Satanism is affirmed in modern society. That's because Hollywood isn't making documentaries about Wicca or Paganism or Satanism, nor do they do reasearch on the symbolism they use in movies they make for entertainment. I should know, my hubby works in the industry, and he's tried to educate some of the props people. Hollywood, of course, got it's imagery from the long-held but completely false idea that witches have something to do with the "devil". This arose in the middle ages, when people believed that anything bad that happened was caused by the "devil", and that humans were the agents of that "devil". People then didn't understand about disease vectors and infection and so on, and tended to see everything in terms of reward from "God" for good behavior (a healthy child, a good crop, financial success, etc.) and everything bad that happened (crop failure, infant deaths, etc.) as the "devil" in operation. Of course, earlier people thought that when crops failed or someone died unexpectedly that the people involved directly were being punished for bad behavior. But the uptight and upright members of Puritanical societies couldn't imagine that THEY had done anything wrong, so there must be an ill-wisher working WITH the "devil' to do them harm. It's the old story of not being responsible for ones own actions, and not understanding how things work. Now, for the pentagram itself. In some Traditions of the Craft, it means that the person wearing it has mastered a particular level of initiation. This has nothing whatsoever to do with "Satan", as Witches don't believe in any such being. Unfortunately, some folks who decided that living selfishly was "cool" and wanted to protest against Christianity bought into the Hollywood vision, so they have adopted the two-points-up pentagram as a symbol. But since Satanism is just upside-down Christianity, the upside-down cross ought to be their symbol. I don't personally know any actual Satanists, only the goth/rebellion types, so I don't know what symbol is used by ACTUAL Satanists. Maybe there are some here who can give us that information. And if they don't have a separate symbol, I certainly wish that they would GET a symbol that has no relation to the pentagram, because I'm thoroughly tired of people continuing to think that there is some sort of connection between Witchcraft and Satanism.

  • yeah illuminati !

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