Doesn natural birth mess stuff up?

My fiance says that having a natural birth with no pain killers can cause nerve damage down there and stuff.

Can that happen?


  • No, why would it? Actually, you have a greater chance of "messing stuff up" by having an epidural, which puts you in bed, pushing when on your back, with your legs up in stirrups. It increases the chance of an episiotomy or uncontrolled tear and also increases the chance of forceps or vacuum, which can cause tearing and nerve damage.

  • Thats a load of crap. The only difference between nautral and with pain killers is that with pain killers you dont feel it as much or at all. It just numbs the doesnt remove the nerves from your crotch so they cant be damaged. Your fiance needs to do some research.

  • Absolutely not. If it were going to cause any damge it would happen whether you were on pain meds or not. Pain killers would no way protect your vagina! Giving birth will definitely change your body but I dont think you have to worry about major nerve damage.

  • No, your fiancee is wrong. Delivering naturally with no pain medications is the absolute safest way to deliver. Any damage caused by giving birth will not be affected at all by pain medications. Nerve damage is extremely rare in any case, but it would absolutely not be affected by pain meds. Your fiancee is not only wrong but he had a lot to learn about childbirth in general.

  • I had this challenge earlier than. It did not final rather so long as yours, however I had despair, complications, belly issues...the complete 9 yards. I went to my healthcare professional approximately it, and he instructed me to avert caffeine just like the plague (it sounds as if it aggravates PMS signs), get sufficient sleep at night time, devour a balanced vitamin, and drink plenty of water. Also, mild activity (opt for a stroll for 30 minutes or so everyday) works wonders, even supposing you think like absolute crap. That labored for me for decades. It did not "medication" the indicators, but it surely made them practicable. If that does not paintings, start manipulate appears to be a well choice for plenty of men and women. I understand a couple of men and women who had been stored from particularly dangerous PMS by way of the capsule. Of direction, those would no longer be just right for you. It's fine to only speak on your healthcare professional.

  • With my first child the doctor gave me an episotomy. That messed me up down there. I couldn't enjoy "anything" for quite a while.

    With my second child I opted to not be cut and just tear on my own if I was going to. I went back to normal very quickly.

    EDIT: Pain medication has nothing to do with it.

  • He's concerned about one thing and one thing only, whatta man!

    Always thinking ahead eh?

    Anyways I don't know why pain killers would make a difference but no, I don't think that will change sensitivity. Having a baby will obviously enlarge and loosen the whole area so less for him to enjoy, however you should do fine.

    Hopefully he isn't having to find himself taking enlargement supplements or anything.

  • As opposed to having an epidural going into your spine and blocking all the pain in your nerves...natural is far less dangerous.

  • i had no choice because my son's delivery happened so quickly (i was at the hospital no more than 10 minutes before he came out) that there was no time for pain medication. i'm perfectly fine.

  • I whent through all natraul birth with no pain killers, and personaly i think it feels better!!

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