is bmw m6 a good car?

is bmw m6 a good car because im going to buy this car is it better than the other bmw cars


  • Buy me one and i'll tell you right away, by the way the old m6 ia faster than the new one. Just do the power to weight ratio.

  • Why ask if it's good...apparently you already decided to buy it.

    And, of course...every single m6 out there is exactly the any basic info on any particular one is of no use to us. Especially the sales ad...

  • Ya its a great car i own one and its awesome super fast and sporty i love using triptrinic and i get to park in private garages in certain places with lambos and ferraris!!

  • It's mileage is horrible (10.4 mpg) but its a nice looking car I suppose.

  • If u got thousands to throw away

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