Do I have a mental disorder?

Hi I am a 13 year old male. And I go through stages of wanting to do something then not. These can last from months to seconds. The two things are doing YouTube and preparing for doomsday. It gets so annoying becqus I will always think that that is my final choice. I will go and spend a lot of money on it and then regret it. I have bipolar depression. I am on 40mg of fluoxetine. I can't go on like this. It is like I am a whole different person when these switches happen. Also (but not that often) I will change to Fishing. When I go into my prepping stage I act really paranoid that the government will take over. If there was going to be in one stage it would be prepping (because that's what stage I'm in now) I was yelled at for hiding loads of food in my room. I stoped therapy but my mom said that I can go back if I feel I have to. I can't go on like this. It's like when I'm in my YouTube stage I save up a lot of money to buy a camera. But when I'm in my prepping stage I spend it all on food and water and survivor. (Honestly I want to do YouTube now) so how do I stay in one stage. My firends say that I am like two different people when I'm in different stages. Please help


  • Since you are bipolar disorder patient you need to see a psychiatrist and investigate on you and need to review your drug treatment.

  • It depends on your present ego level and self esteem. Why don't you consult a psychiatrist and settle the issue once for all.

  • Definitely go back into counseling.

  • i would advise you to see a professional, it is nothing to be ashamed of. my best of wishes go to you and i hope you get well.

  • Puberty, kid. Jeez.

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