Why is Mexico so messed up?

With drugs and cartels and very few major cities with normal people and no real economy..It seems like it could be an awesome place if someone would just build a good infrastructure. Even mexican people seem great. I dont get it..Im not trying to be rude but seriously.


  • You don't sound rude so much as you sound terribly misinformed.

  • Mexico is "messed up" because it has a racist caste system which no one talks about, in which "white" Mexicans (people with Euro Spanish blood) benefit from being the elites in society who control most of the government, business, and resources while the peasant mestizo or mixed Spanish and native indian ethnicities are for the most part left out of the economy and are poor. Mexico has a very unequal distribution of wealth among these classes. Another reason is the large monopolies and oligopolies that control industry in the country. It is VERY difficult for the average Mexican to become entrepreneurs and start small businesses without a lot of restrictions in place. Vast swaths of the economy are controlled by a small group of people or just a few companies in energy (Pemex), telecom (Teléfonos de México and América Móvil - Carlos Slim), Televisa (owns 70% of the TV market in Mexico), Beer (Grupo Modelo and Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewering Company have 99% of market). Just a few examples. This kind of market domination would not be tolerated in the U.S. The little guy who wants to become an entrepreneur and start his own microbrew business in Mexico would never be able to because of laws and regs that allow these monopolies to control all of the business. Small business is the ECONOMIC ENGINE that is the backbone of the U.S. and why its a World Superpower. Unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of the Mexican people and end the system of bribery and corruption that is in the current system so the little guy can compete and you will free up the Mexican people to control their own economic destiny and unleash prosperity in the country. Then Americans will be sneaking over the border to move to Mexico and not the other way around.

  • Mexico is not bad, today is the 11th richest country in the world and in 2050 is the 5th richest country in the world, certainly has not been in Mexico for a long time. Drugs and drug trafficking in Mexico is because the USA consumes a lot of drugs.

  • Actually, there is a strong real economy, you can see it now when everyone in the world is struggling and suffering for the credit crunch, we are living very well.

    It is true we are slowing down the production but it is just because we sell almost everything to US xD

  • Mexico isn't ALL messed up. Sure, some parts are like Juarez and the bordered states. And that's because of the cartels and drug trafficking. But not all mexico. It really depends on which part of mexico you're speaking of. The ones that border the USA are messed up. But I already explained why. So mexico might be messed up, big if you don't messed with the bad people, you should be good :P

  • Mexico has the 13th largest economy in the world. Infrastructure grows daily...roads, bridges, water treatment plants , etc. are being built every day and are far better than just a few years ago. Have you actually BEEN to Mexico? "Few major cities with normal people?" Now i know you have not been to Mexico and traveled in the cities there? The cities are full of perfectly normal, hard-working people who have nothing to do with drugs and cartels. I live in Mexico, in a normal town, right next to a normal big city...it is not perfect, but it is NOT the 18th century either! Come spend some time traveling in normal Mexican cities. As to why Mexico is so "messed up"...well why the heck is America so "messed up"? why do do many Americans use drugs , thereby keeping the drug cartels in business?

  • Nobody knows who anybody is or belongs too with all the drugs and seezter swapping

  • Surely your not serious ? compared to the USA . You think there are no drugs in the US? 200,000 murders in the US in the last ten years..

    Mexico is second in The Americas to Brazil. 12 th largest economy in the world. If you do think Mexico is messed up clean up your own backyard before you critisize

    your vecino, that you clearly don`t understand.

    Americans and Canadians are largley responsible for all the drugs they use created the Monster. My guess is you are around 14 years old. No worries you have a life of knowledge ahead of you.

    BTW It is No wonder why some Muslims detest us and our lifestyle

    Be nice and I won`t call you Surely

  • It's pretty messed up, I've had enough, going back to the US soon

  • The government is the U.S.'s slave.

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