is this craigslist email from a scammer?

Hello, I really appreciate your response to my mail. I am seriouslyinterested in buying I want you to consider it sold but I willappreciate if you can withdraw the advert from craigslist to avoiddisturbance i will pay an extra $50. I want you to know that i will bepaying via bank certified check and I will need you to provide me allthis information to facilitate the mailing of the check to you okay. 1,Full name to write on the check2,Full Physical address to post the check3,State and zip code4,Home & Cell Phone to contact you As for the pick up,I will like you to know that you will not beresponsible for shipping i will have my mover come over as soon as wehave seal our deal Thanks


  • I used to sell on Ebay and have my experience with Nigerian scammers. They are potentiall scammers if they:

    1. want to pay you with Western Union or some type of check that can be easily faked.

    2. want to bring a mover to your house to get the item.

    3. want to do the transaction outside Ebay, Craigslist

    DO NOT give or send your item away unless you get your money in cold hard cash. Western Union and cashier's check and be easily reproduced with a computer.

  • The same scam happened to me a while back the certified check will probally be more than the item and he'll want you to forward the remainder to him in my case it was a bogas money order, I would sever all contact with him to avoid further grief.

  • If the digital mail says they want you to deliver the object, or they desire to pay greater advantageous than you asked for it, then this is a scam. once you sell on Craigslist, basically sell to human beings you could meet in individual, and basically take money.

  • That screams of scam!! Anytime someone want to know info about your bank (on a email no less!!!) they are out phishing (that is where there go fishing for people who are truly lacking common sense) DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFO!! As soon as he gets that info from you, he will wipe your bank info out. It is up to you to go ahead with this but, at least you should be VERY alert to anything with your bank account....

  • If that's not a spam scam I never saw one.

  • in my opinion i wouldnt make this deal. There is a high risk of him scamming u

  • lol, go spam some where else you moron.

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