Is economics depressing?

So I've always been intersted in how the economy works, currency, and international trade. I've heard that being an aconomist can be depressing so I'm not sure if I want to major in it. What's your opinion? Also, what are some other viable these to look in to majoring that I might like?


  • it is a desk job, and it can be quite boring since all you do is crunch numbers or write reports.

    The primary source of excitement is figuring out what is going on with economy or specific market, and seeing your predictions come true.

    You are paid well and it is not that hard to find a job, so there is no reason for depression.

    Economics is called "dismal science" b/c it cynically views people as selfish schemers. If you have strong moral objections to such view, then the field is indeed not for you.

  • Though I'm not an economist, I very much doubt it's depressing to be one. People who are not interested in that stuff would never make it through to a terminal degree (and understand, to be an actual Economist you need a PhD, not a bachelors.) People who ARE interested in economics and markets and analytical work love it because that's their thing.

    IF you're the type of person who gets into this stuff, it's fascinating. Even a horrible financial crises like 2008 is endlessly fascinating. Something equally "terrible" like contemplating Japan's dismal future as its population falls by half is also fascinating. One could become obsessive. Watching events unfold and seeing how your predictions play out can be as addictive as gambling is to some people.

    You may deal with things that seem objectively to be dismal or depressing or unfortunate, but intellectually it's not depressing at all.

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