Why do Non whites call whites White Devils?

Funny you call us mutant Albinos. I have some color in my skin. Don't you know whites have color too?

And you are the devils not me. I never hurt you yet you hate me and want me dead calling me a devil. You rape and kill my people and now you want me to be nice to you? You try to breed whites out and try to force yourselves in our lands and make interracial babies make us lose self respect. You whine and call us everything like cave +++++ or mutant and speak words of hate. You are the evil ones not me

You speak with forked tongues. First you say we conquered the world and then you accuse us of being weak.

You speak with contradictions. The best science mathematics poetry and art came from Europe yet you deny it. In Ancient Greece Atomic theories were made and so was Philosophy. Some "devils".


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    Oh yeah white people are so heavenly huh?

  • "White ghost" is a historical term that was commonly used in east Asia to describe European (white) people. When east Asians encountered Europeans, during the early 1800s, there was limited precedent for seeing such pale skinned people. The Europeans literally looked like "white ghosts" to the east Asians. I am concerned by your endless anti-Chinese rants and bizarre twisting of historical reality to suit your narrow view of the world. China was fighting Japan for a decade before America joined the battle in WW2. America did not act until after Japan attacked the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. China, America, Britain, Australia, and numerous other countries were allies against the aggressor Japanese during WW2.

  • White people are devils on earth.

  • I'm thinking the devil made you ask that question/ramble incoherently. Now, can we be productive here, or must we resort to Springer-like behavior? It's Christmas, man, hold that thought for a month or so.

    Johnny Yuma

    Georgia CRACKER

  • History, imperialism. Genocide, exploitation, and no humanity towards the conquered. Plain and simple. Im half white and dont personally hate anyone but I think thats the answer your looking for!

  • You sound like you have a lot of hatred, I completely understand why someone would mistake YOU for a devil

  • Because "whites" are always calling "blacks" the devil. No one is pure nowadays.

  • your ignorance amazes me. It actually brings me pleasure to see how pissed you are about this. You deserve to feel that way. You are doing exactly what you claim to be against. Way to go!!!

  • You`ve not been taking your tablets have you?


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