Yahoo messenger emoticons?

Can anyone give me a list of the emoticon shortcuts for yahoo messenger? (like :) and :D ) I need the list, not the website that has it all.


  • :) happy

    :( sad

    ;) winking

    :D big grin

    ;;) batting eyelashes

    >:D< big hug

    :-/ confused

    :x love struck

    :"> blushing

    :P tongue

    :-* kiss

    =(( broken heart

    :-O surprise

    X( angry

    :> smug

    B-) cool

    :-S worried

    #:-S whew!

    >:) devil

    :(( crying

    :)) laughing

    :| straight face

    /:) raised eyebrow

    =)) rolling on the floor

    O:) angel

    :-B nerd

    =; talk to the hand

    :-c call me - New!

    :)] on the phone - New!

    ~X( at wits' end - New!

    :-h wave - New!

    :-t time out - New!

    8-> daydreaming - New!

    I-) sleepy

    8-| rolling eyes

    L-) loser

    :-& sick

    :-$ don't tell anyone

    [-( not talking

    :O) clown

    8-} silly

    <:-P party

    (:| yawn

    =P~ drooling

    :-? thinking

    #-o d'oh

    =D> applause

    :-SS nailbiting

    @-) hypnotized

    :^o liar

    :-w waiting

    :-< sigh

    >:P phbbbbt

    <):) cowboy

    and here are the secret ones

    :o3 puppy dog eyes - New!

    :-?? I don't know

    %-( not listening

    :@) pig

    3:-O cow

    :(|) monkey

    ~:> chicken

    @};- rose

    %%- good luck

    **== flag

    (~~) pumpkin

    ~O) coffee

    *-:) idea

    8-X skull

    =:) bug

    >-) alien

    :-L frustrated

    [-O< praying

    $-) money eyes

    :-" whistling

    b-( feeling beat up

    :)>- peace sign

    [-X shame on you

    \:D/ dancing

    >:/ bring it on

    ;)) hee hee

    :-@ chatterbox

    ^:)^ not worthy

    :-j oh go on

    (*) star

    o-> hiro

    o=> billy

    o-+ april

    (%) yin yang

    hope i helped

  • The emoticons should be right on your messenger. The icon for the emoticons is right above the message box. Click on a person's username, then you'll see it by the audibles, text color and IMvironments icons

  • Yep I did, I printed the hidden pages their are 3 loads of them, but they are only available on messenger, they dont show up with normal emails :)

  • yeah its calles smiley utility it has almost all the emoticons and plaus the hidden ones also u can get it at or u can contact me If u like and i can give u copy of the smiley utility thats totally your choice though

  • :| :-|

    :( :-(

    :> :->

    :X :-X

    ;) ;-)

    :D :-D

    :p :-p

    :-/ :-\

    X( X-(

    :(( :-((

    :)) :-))


    :O :-O



    I-) |-)

    0:-) 0:) o:-) o:)





    :o) :0)








    /:-) /:)



    ;;) ;;-)

    =* :* :-*






    3:-0 3:-o













    :^0 :^o






    =:) =:-)

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