do you senior citizens feel proud?

you are on yahoo answers, using the internet and a computer, something my 50 year old mum still struggles with turning on

you are very tech savvy for your age demographic you know? high 5 to the senior citizens on Y!A


  • Yes i am using a computer with the internet and i am older than your mum, but then i have got younger people around me who have helped me and will show me things i do not quite understand, but i do learn quite quick, i can check out many things and know know to chat etc on line, i can't say that i am that high tech but i am always willing to learn things, and enjoy finding out how things work, so just because i am a senior it does not mean i am over the hill, nor just sit on a rocking chair doing some knitting, just talking about the olden days lol.

  • I am not at all proud that I am a long time smoker. However, I am not ashamed either and I don't consider it ANY of the government's business whether or not I smoke. I have had several spinal surgeries due to an injury and my surgeon tells me he'd rather I continue to smoke than to try and quit and gain a bunch of weight. Everyone takes risks in life; some over-eat; others smoke. Except for a broken leg, my health is better than most people my age.

  • How patronising is that?

    My first 'home computer' was as big as a stacked fridge/freezer. Capacity - probably less than my mobile phone. Probably about 1983, when I was 40. The word processing program was also primitive. If I wanted to underline a word or phrase, I had to type .ul then the phrase and .ul again to cancel the underline.

    It was still better than using a typewriter and an eraser if I made a mistake.

    I have also been able to operate an automatic washing machine and dishwasher since 1976 - for the uninitiated, they also are computer controlled.

  • Thank you. I'm 67, and am pleased with myself that I can do so well. The company I worked for insisted I take computer lessons. Since they gave them to me for free, I did. At first I thought it stupid. Soon learned that it was useful. Still discovering new things to do with it. Now and then, have to ask one of my grand kids how to do this or that.

    Now, I don't know how I ever managed to get thru 50 some years of life without a pc.

    My husband is afraid of breaking it, and so won't do anything without someone right there to help. He used to get upset when I let the grand kids use it when they were 2 or 3. Took a lot of convincing to teach him that the kids could play a game, never break anything. (Beyond scratching a game disc.)... Hubby will email if I set him up into it, but if it comes to online ordering, or searching for an answer, he asks me to do it.

  • I happen to agree with Jim... you sound a tad condescending towards us Seniors. I took computer tech in college, and was a Tech Rep for a couple software companies in my career. While much of the "tech" side has way out stripped my ability to keep up with the "latest and greatest," I don't consider myself "unsavvy" about computers.

    I can recall my FIRST PC... an IBM PC 8011, I think it was... and I had to finance it because it cost me $5,000!!!! These days, the chip in a wrist watch has more "power" than that thing ever did!

    Have a Seasoned day.

  • im not a senior,in my 40's,but ur question is patronising and rude.if ur in the 40 to 50 range,u prolly got ur first computer in the 80's,so have had 20 years+ experience.btw,the computer was invented and perfected in the 1950's through 1990's-the people ur patronising,are the demographic that created/improved this for ur mum,i guess she didnt keep up with her peers.

  • Thank you.

    The computer is one way to really age a person; the computer gets more complicated and faster while I get older and slower. However, I keep enrolling in classes to learn more about them.

    The next big thing will be to combine exercise and the computer!

  • I'm like Heart of the Ocean, I too have young people around me and that helps to keep me up to date. As a matter of fact they are buying me a IPod. Pretty in hot pink of course! Lol:) Can't wait to download what I like to hear from Gospel to Salsa, from Sinatra to Patti Labelle.

  • i dont quite get this 48 and i took "computer science" for 2 semesters in 1984.did ur mom not go to school,or did she skip this course? i dont see how,it was a REQUIRED class for us?we could'nt graduate unless we had taken and passed this class.(arizona state university)i thought all uni's had this as a requirement starting in the early to mid 80's?

  • No. I'm in my 50's [retired;disabled]. My computer can do so much more than I know what to do with it. I just learned how to text on my cell phone. I bought a laptop & digital camera which I have yet to master. So, no, I'm not proud, but I'm learning!

    When I first encountered computers, it was in college & we had to use punch cards. Do you know what they were?

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