Employer doesnt pay....?

Im an IT Contractor and my employer is not paying what he is supposed so....is there a government agency that can help me?

I cannot afford to hire a lawyer ...

please help


  • Do you have a contract?

    Have you communicated with the employer to find out why they are not paying you what they were supposed to?

  • If you are an independent contractor, there isn't much you can do except file a complaint in small claims court if sending him invoices doesn't work.

    If you are a regular employee, on the payroll, then go to your states department of labor website and file a claim for unpaid wages.

    Try to work it out first before you do anything.

  • Do you have a written contract specifying the rate? If so and you're in the US you can take him to small claims court, you don't need a lawyer for that.

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