Why do employees lie?

I started a new job as a manager in a retail store. It is my 3rd week. One of the female staff there asked me for a break for a butt. I was backing her up at one of the registers and she did so with no regard to my response as if she already had the answer yes in her mind. I approached her 10 minutes later and asked her politely if next time she wants a break to ask me when we are in speaking distance, she responded aggressively and unprofessional. She also made a comment that this wasn t going to work, I went on with my day thinking another employee trying to get one over. I made notes to see how this should be handled in the future for my next shift I see the store manager. I never got to see him for a few days, after my day off. I come in and he wanted to pull me into the office to talk, at this point I have no idea what the conversation is about. He proceeds to tell me that he received a complaint that I backed this staff member up into a wall and was shouting at her, in regards to when I asked her politely to let me know about lunches, this story was all fabricated. The manager said he had 4 witnesses. I asked him who they were and why they were not in the meeting. I asked him if we could play video footage of this incident and call HR, he declined. He said I believe there story and I have to write you up, I looked at him, said some words, turned in my uniform and keys, and called HR to let them know of this defamation so they are aware. What happened here?


  • What happened? Someone took a cheap shot and you ran away from a fight. Never discipline any subordinate without a trusted witness present -- ESPECIALLY a woman. You're lucky you weren't accused of copping a feel. If she was going to gather 4 friends to lie as witnesses then she certainly could have accused you of getting handsy.

    When the boss wrote you up I hope you didn't sign anything. You shouldn't have quit, but if you really felt the need to quit, you should have talked to a lawyer first.

  • maybe that **** is one of the superior's bed partners ??

  • they NEVER thought you would quit, and THEY were trying to pull a fast one on you...boy oh boy did you win that one.

  • Everybody lies.

  • Because they are people, and people lie when it is in their interest to do so.

  • Because the President makes it acceptable.

  • "What happened here?"

    It sounds like you got written up. Then you had a hissy fit and quit.

  • You got bullied and lost. That's what happened. If you valued the job AND/OR your reputation, you should have forced the issue with HR. You could have walked away with your reputation in tact. Not now. Your record is permanently smeared. Sorry. Good luck getting another job. Lesson? Address issues quickly/immediately. Don't let an adversary have time to effectively jerk the rug out from under you. Be professional and respectful, but don't wait. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING! That might mean making certain there are unbiased witnesses. That might mean recording your interactions. But document everything. YOU are a target. YOU are a potential victim. Good luck! The world in which we live is NOT nice. BUT it beats the alternative.

  • Any time anyone lies it's because they don't trust that they can safely tell the other person the truth.

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