Does astrology tie into dreams?

Does astrology or our subconscious mind have anything to do with dreams? I had a dream last night i was dating Rev Runs daughter vanessa (from mtv). I walked into a room him and his wife was eating, lol. I started telling him about this touchdown i scored in football, ect. Somehow we ended up outside, and he asked me if i wanted his Rolls Royce, i said no, but i've been wanting a Lamborghini. I thought he was giving me his Lamborghini because he took the keys out his pocket. He then tossed a roll of 100$ bills like a football in the air towards me and jojo.

I ask because a Lamborghini is in affirmations i meditate and repeat everyday.


  • Cool that you have affirmations that you repeat everyday. So do I (smile)! Holy Magic is great! YOU will get your Lamborghini one day soon. I don't think astrology ties into dreams. The Supernatural aka Paranormal Activity does...a few people have the gift to predict things and it sounds like the dream that you had ties in with you wanting the car that you desire.

    YOU have opulent taste. My first car will be the Mazda Miata but a Rolls Royce sounds SEXY too!

  • HI,

    The only way that astrology WILL tie into dreams is by seeing what kind of psychic gifts you possess.

    Dreaming is a gift. Not everyone can do it. Lucid dreams, dreams where you predict things or even can sense them all can be SEEN in a astrological chart.

    However, their is also a prediction form of astrology that doesn't necessarily tie into dreams per se but it can be used.

    There is not a certain number of times that you have to dream a dream for it to come into fruition. That is an old wives tale. I have very powerful dreams and you can see it in my chart along with other psychic gifts. I am also clairvoyant and can tap into a lot.

    If you are meditating on something and if you are saying affirmations for something please make sure it is viable. Remember for every gift that is given or provided to you in the universe great responsibility comes with having that thing you asked for. If you can not handle the responsibility of it, you will more than likely loose it and gain a painful lesson from it.

    Dreams about money have to do with sexuality, power,self worth, success, confidence and values. Love questing is also a theme with money. It does denote luck in the sense that it can be lucky but responsibility also comes with it.

    Good luck


  • Neptune's about Illusions as well as immortality. Astrology itself is more of an Aquarius, 11th house & Uranus. However name Astrology doesn't do good to astrology itself by mere definition of other "logystics" such as Biology, Morphology etc. Astrology itself is beyond the name itself. However, Pisces & Neptune play a little role when it comes to astrology. They might appear as a mysterious factor x, bringing joy inside of fantasy world...but nothing more than that. If it's followed it will bring pain because of the illusions. Neptune is like alcohol. People drink it to forget their worries.

  • No ; astrology has nothing to do with dreams . YOU can receive very important message by dreams ; that you will never receive by astrology . YOUR dream is telling you that some money is on your way ; or you will reach a goal [ Seeing 100 dollars bill in a dream is very lucky ]

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