Do you actually know Obama's policies?

It seems to me that the majority of people from both major parties don't even know Obama's policies. Some claim he doesn't have any policies, and some grossly misquote them.

This site lists his policies on every issue you could ever imagine, and it's completely based on his public quotations and senatorial voting record. The source of every political stance is listed at the bottom of the page. Do you want to know what his policies are before bashing or supporting him? Look here:


  • I would also recommend this link:

    This is called the "Blue Print for Change" and is roughly 54 pages of exactly what Obama would like to achieve as President of the United States. It was written well before the election into the office and clearly outlines the direction he would like to take the country.

    And to answer the question, yes, I know all of his policies, his voting history, his stance on all issues which have been broached to date, and the direction in which he would like to lead.

    I spent several months researching every bit of valid information on him before deciding to sign on with the campaign and proceeded to dedicate two years and over 3,000 hours to educating Americans on his policies.

    Thank you for providing this link, there certainly are a lot of misinformed people on this site, and it's sad to see so many who have judged based on bogus information when the truth is available to anyone.

  • He stated he might end the warfare in Iraq. on the time he stated he might end the warfare in Iraq or perhaps now he has no longer known the surge worked. this suggests his coverage is to unilaterally withdraw troops. this suggests resign while you're triumphing. are you able to think of a soccer team it relatively is triumphing the state championship with a million minute left contained in the sport walking off and giving the sport to the different team? that's what his regulations are like. i do no longer could desire to study a internet site to be conscious of this guy is a armed forces fool and the final guy we could desire to continuously have for commander in chief. once you develop taxes that hurts the economy. Now that the economy is in simple terms too susceptible its been hinted that he does no longer develop taxes as proposed. This proves that it will harm the economy to develop taxes. If it relatively is going to harm the economy to develop taxes now whilst does no longer it. it relatively is like asserting now could be no longer a very good time to drink poison. If it is not a very good time to drink poison whilst is the time you are able to desire to drink poison. It purely takes a logical strategies to discern those issues out. It does not take a regulation degree and it is not significant how properly you are able to study a teleprompter.

  • Yes BOs web site is more current and I have read some of his site it in small doses. It is kinda like a dose of cyanide and you can only handle little bits at a time. Most people refuse to read it and I cannot blame them.

    And I thought Steve King was scary this makes Steven King seem a piker..

    New Pink I take umbrage with that the more I study him the more I get afraid for all of us.

  • It' all in the details...

    As state senator, he voted against a 2004 measure that allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense for those charged with violating local laws making it otherwise unlawful for such persons to possess firearms.[235] He also voted against allowing persons who had obtained domestic violence protective orders to carry handguns for their protection.[234]

  • I don't think O knows his own policies. He "changes" them so much it's hard for anybody to keep up.

    BTW, Wikipedia is not a good source.

    I'll Keep My Guns, Freedom & Money...

    You Can Keep the "Change!"

  • Its actually a Dreaming Policies.... Not real !!!

  • Did you know Bush's policies when he was put into the White House by the Supreme Court? Did you know he would strip the country of it's assets, start two unwinnable wars and bankrupt the country?

    I bet you didn't.

  • Check your own link tomorrow and you will see allot of changes! Obama changes his mind faster that most change their sox's!

  • I know about 75% of them, the other 25% has been changed many times... Republicans like myself, know more about Obama's policies than most of the people who voted for him.

  • I knew what they were pre election, they seem to change a lot, I am going to let the libs answer though, I presume they are still googling to find some.

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