Birth control/no condom?

So I have been on the pill for about 10 months and me and my boyfriend use condoms as well but we would like to stop using condoms I'm just worried that if he ejaculates inside of me I will get pregnant. So what I'm wondering is if it's safe to go with out condoms and still be protected against pregnancy?


  • The pill is 99.9% effective, and condoms are 98%. So it would be a very small risk. The pill was actually meant for women who wanted to have unprotected sex with their husbands without getting pregnant

  • It's unlikely but still possible that you will get pregnant. Especially if you miss a pill or take the pill at the wrong time of day (for pills that should be taken at the same time of day every day). The pill is ONLY 99% effective for women who take it exactly as prescribed. Otherwise, according to Planned Parenthood 9 out of 100 women will get pregnant within a year.

    Also, other factors can influence the effectiveness of the pill such as certain medications or if you are very overweight. You may want to talk to your doctor before you make any decisions.

    Finally, without a condom you increase your risk of STDs. Do you KNOW (have you seen test results that prove) that your bf has no STDs? And if he cheats on you, even once, he could give you an STD then too, even if he doesn't have one now...

  • The pill is 99% effective but women do get pregnant while on it. As long as you are taking your pill correctly everyday then your chances of pregnancy are really low. I don't use condoms as I am on the pill and have been now for about 2.5 years and never had a pregnancy scare. Its up to you if you decide to do it or not and that you know your boyfriend is STD free as you will be 99% protected against pregnancy but 0% protected against STD's.

  • Nooooooo!!!!!!! Modern birth control is usually pretty effective, but it is not 100 percent effective. My sister can attest to that as she was on birth control pills and is now pregnant. This especially sucks for her, because she was on birth control pills specifically because she has other health issues that make pregnancy dangerous.

  • Do ur sex wid more enjoyment but when ur boyfriend comes to discharge tell him to take his cock out n ejaculate out. it is the best one coz iam doing it wid 2.5yrs

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