How do you become a paranormal investigator?

What qualifications do you need?

I know they dont get paid, I am just really ineterested because it seems very cool/fun to me.

What are some companies/clubs that do these investigations that I may be able to join?


  • The first thing you should do is look on the Internet for paranormal groups in your area. Most of them will NOT charge you to be a member but beware of the ones that do. Second, you should be very serious about wanting to become an investigator. We get so many people that just want to go out with us for a quick thrill. That isn't what most groups are looking for, they want dedicated, serious members. Read all you can find about the subject before you contact them so you know a little bit about how it works. Invest in a voice recorder and possibly a digital camera, the more equipment and knowledge you have the more likely they are to allow you to join on an investigation. Good luck!

  • Mean Kitty has it right; self-education, dedication and adherence to scientific protocol. It certainly helps to have some first-hand experience as a witness to convince yourself that this isn't fun-and-games thrills. A local group can get you started. Expect lots of boredom and rare moments of wow! Best wishes.

  • The fact of the matter is you need no qualifications. It's a field populated almost completely with amateur hobbyists.

  • It's very easy to do.I now pronounce you a paranormal investigator.Go and seek the truth.

  • Step One, send me all your money.

    Step two....., I guess there is only one step.

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