Industrial agriculture?

OK, so I have been staring at this question for 10 minutes, but can't fully figure this out. I have a feeling it's B..but I might be wrong. Please help?

Industrial agriculture ________.

a. rapidly deteriorated soils, requiring continuous movement to new croplands

b. increased the ability to obtain more food from the same area

c. improved soils permanently, providing more food from less space

d. is necessary today for all cultures

e. had no impact on agriculture

Thank you!


  • non of the above. industrial agricultural means growing crops which produce basic raw materials for the agro based industries such as jute, corn etc.

  • A is most definitely correct. The practices of industrial agriculture are very harmful to soil, especially the extremely common use of the monoculture (growing all of one type of crop). Corn is often grown as a monoculture. The right crop rotations and variations that would keep the soil healthy are not used, which makes it unusable after a bit. In addition, industrial agriculture frequently uses pesticides, which kill the beneficial insects and worms in addition to the harmful ones. This also depletes soil health. Soil becomes so bad that farms do have to move to new croplands many times.

    However, B is also correct. Quite a conundrum.

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