Is your MC a peacemaker or chaos wreaker?

Sorry guys -- been writing a fantasy story/watching lord of the rings/ and legend of the seeker on tv today and feeling very fantastical.

My MC is neither and both. She's not one to be the first to make things right but she will eventually.Later on--- chaos/havoc will be released by her and her much loved arrogance will crumble


  • By trying too hard to make peace, my MC actually created far more chaos, which he doesn't realize until a lot later.

  • Actually, I have two MCs: The first is a male whose story so far has taken up three books (which I am thinking of doing some major overhaul work on), and the second is a female, still very much a work in progress, who began life as a short story prompt but is now being developed into a new novel. So I will do both:

    Male MC: He is a chaos wreaker. Not because he necessarily wants to be (though sometimes he does), but that trait is literally in his blood so he works with it as best as he can.

    Female MC: This is one dark lady, though the reader will realize (1) she has good reason to be, and (2) it is, ultimately, a necessity. So yes, a chaos wreaker.

    I don't think too many interesting MCs are straight-out peacemakers.

  • My main character prefers a sense of peace and balance in his life.

    His primary desire is to protect and serve one person, creating a world they can live happily and without want (just like a fairy tale prince). While chaos might give him a stronger purpose, he is happiest when he has accomplished even a momentary period of calm. If he is able to do this and after he is never needed again, he will still be happy because he has made the world right--at least for the person he cares for.

  • She's a chaos wreaker. Unable to see death and no stop it, but giving warnings of the deaths gives her the reputation of being a loony and although she doesn't mean to she opens the door to the actual true chaos being

  • @Jacks: That's adorable.

    She want's to be a peacemaker but doesn't know how to right now. Before chaos became her life, she was a peacemaker, but she's beginning to lose hope, I guess. It's hard to make peace when you stop believing it's possible.

    Neat-Oh questions by the way. (:

  • He wants peace, balance, and control in his life, but his life is chaos. He has to fight for the peace he never gets, but he still tries. And the poor guy, every time he starts relaxing, thinking that just for a few minutes, life is perfect and calm, I'll spring something horrible on him XD but anyways, I guess he's just a bit of both.

  • She wishes that she could create peace between humankind and the antagonists. Unfortunately, she's being used by the antagonists to enslave the people of Earth.

  • Mine is a peacemaker. He's very reluctant to take the necessary violent action against his aggressors, but in the end he is forced to.

  • Well, she's an assassin, so a chaos wrecker. Although, she kills people to protect her organization and overall protect Larlum

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