how do you know if you're transexual?

I'm not trying to be mean but I'm just curious give me nice open-minded answers please


read my details and oh you're a disgrace, answer the question please


  • How do people in general or how do I in the personal sense know?

    You just.... know it dude. When you want to crawl out of your own skin so badly that it hurts, there's not much else it can be.

  • If you don't and don't remember ever feeling comfortable with your body due to your physical sex, and you feel your "parts" are alien and don't belong.

    For me, I've always felt I was truly a boy since childhood and always was one of the boys, though I never really fit in with anyone and I isolated myself from my peers. I repressed my feelings and did only what was expected of me which caused me to be very withdrawn and depressed and now I suffer social phobia.

    I get a bit of "phantom limb" down there if you know what I'm talking about, and it bothers the heck out of me constantly. My boobs--or rather, tumors--I hate a lot, and I bind them to feel more secure.

    When someone mistakes me for a guy I feel complimented, when someone calls me "she" it's like a kick in the face. I hate it. I can't stand it! Being looked at and being expected to conform to society's idea of a female is torture.

    I literally feel like a guy trapped in a girl's body, and I always have felt that way. Transsexuals are born the way they are--transsexualism begins in the womb, so we've been this way our entire lives.

    If you're having a bit of a gender crisis, the only way to know if you're really really trans is that if you see a gender therapist and then live as the opposite sex for a long period of time--at least a few months--or take hormones and see if you're more comfortable that way or not.

  • I was asked a similar question by one of my nieces as to how I knew I was female. At first I was going to go into along dissertation explaining all of the subtle and some not so subtle aspects of gender dyshporia etc. and then it dawned upon me that the simple answer is the best here. "Because I never really knew what it was to be a boy"! I knew that this was transsexuality only when I knew what the definition of it truly is. This was killing me literally and I had to make a responsible decision to survive or not. That is the only decision we make as being what and who we are in innate to our very being. We know this to be true therefore it is our truth!

    Bright Blessings!


    True Transsexual Woman and American Trucker!

  • As a transsexual I can help you out there. The best way to describe it is that I have always known. Though I was raised as a boy, I knew I was supposed to be a girl instead. I guess the best way to describe it is to have a certain instinct. Everybody has a gender identity, most of the time it matches their bodies, in my case it didn't. Having a male body just felt wrong, after fixing it, my body felt right, and the more I fixed it, the better I felt.

    II hope this helps you understand it a bit better .

  • some never fully know, but its a feeling really. its when you look at yourself, what you truly see, behind shaping, behind social construct, behind your own walls. i know this isnt to detailed, but you can msg me if u wanna know more.

    *edit* i am not sure why i got a thumbs down... but the reason i worded it like this is, after reading these answers, there are trans people who dont fit that mold. i myself, and a few of my trans friends, never disliked our birth bodies, but knew we would be happier in bodies more suited to us, and we didnt always know.

    my description is how WE found ourselves.

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