Supernatural experience that makes no sense?
I'm having trouble believing this, but the evidence sits right before me. Basically, over the past few weeks, every time someone turns on the TV, the show or movie they watch directly relates to something that's happening in my waking life... and not just mildly--it almost perfectly matches everything that's been going on. For example, one of the conversations I had with my friend was shown, exactly how it happened, on a TV show I watched with my other friends a couple of days ago. This TV show had everything that was going on with me, though. More than that. What's even scarier is in that show, the dorms the college students were staying in looked EXACTLY like the ones in the college I plan to go to... which is especially scary considering that these dorms are unique and not common among many colleges. Multiple TV shows did this to me, all in a matter of hours. We watched some anime that also related to what I was feeling and I began freaking out, realizing that these TV shows were literally communicating with me. A few weeks prior I was approached by some guy who was telling me that the universe is just a simulation and seemed to have a lot of the same theories as I did and told me that my psychic abilities only come in bursts and I still don't fully understand yet. But then there were multiple references on everything we watched to the universe being a game. It can't be a coincidence because multiple videos/movies/TV shows in a row spoke about it. Not even just that but they referenced to a conflict I was having with a friend and the idea that we're all the same person. It's hard to describe in detail but I hope people believe me because everything made perfect sense and now I'm really questioning my sanity. Thing is, this CAN'T just be an over analyzing of things... the obvious symbolism was right in my face. In fact, at times, it was very explicit and obvious that the TV shows were showing me my life... especially that one scene where a character with the SAME HAIR as me had the same exact conversation with his friend in the same exact place (on a football field) as I did. That wasn't even just the only thing. What scares me more is lately I've been seeing this strange symbol in the back of my head. It used to only appear when I was really really high, and I'd barely be able to see it in the back of my head, but now it's more visible, and it looks a little like an eye but it's still not fully there. I notice that I'm saying things that actually make sense symbolically but I have no control over saying. For example, my friend was talking about what happens when you die and I was barely listening and, without any control over what I was saying, I said, "wow I'd be reborn if that happened." I've had moments really strange things happen to me in the past few months and no one believes me and it's driving me crazy. I'm really afraid that I'm just going insane but how can I be if these things are so logical and blatant?
Periods such as this happen probably to everyone in some periods of our lives. Carl Jung coined the term 'synchronicity' to describe it. We live our lives with perhaps a million events happening every month or two. There are over seven billion people on Earth. It's a statistical certainty that sometimes events in real life are going to mirror, more or less closely, things we think or dream or imagine. This had a start, the period where it wasn't happening, and it will have an end, when it either tapers off or ends abruptly.
<the universe is just a simulation> Of course, he has no way of knowing or demonstrating this, does he? That doesn't mean it's impossible; in fact, it's a possibility contemplated by cosmologists. See if your local library has a book by Brian Greene named "The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos". Greene is a cosmologist and theoretical physicist, and he discusses the Simulated Multiverse among other possibilities of our existence.
Don't read too much into the synchronicity you seem to be experiencing. There's no reason to think it's paranormal rather than simply an odd period in your rather normal existence. I experienced such things for a time a few years ago, and still do (as do we all) from time to time.
One more thing: Paragraphs are your friend. Or, rather, the friend of the reader. If you want to maximize the number of serious responses you get to a question, don't make them a burden to wade through as you did here.
"now I'm really questioning my sanity" Good you need to.
You mention getting high, try and lay off the drugs for a while and see if things improve, if they don't you really need to see a doctor. Of course tv shows have characters and situations we can relate to, but they are not all about you personally. You are imagining they are and seeing connections that are not there.
I disagree with the idea of synchronicity, it makes it sound as though there is more to things than simple coincidence, which in my opinion there isn't.
So if i came over and watched Enemy Mine somehow a human befriending an enemy alien then raising its unisex offspring after it dies of complications would somehow relate to your life?????? ITS ALL IN YOUR HEAD trust me.