how do you vacuum seal mason jars containing desserts?

I'm making strawberry cheesecake for my neighbors and my husband mentioned that I have to seal the jars somehow. I looked up pickling and jams sealing, but I thought cheesecake would be a little different. help!?


  • Hi Wesley. If you're going to give the cheesecake to your neighbors in a jar because it is a nice container, you don't need to seal them. They MUST be refrigerated. If you were hoping to can them so they wouldn't have to be refrigerated, it won't work with the ingredients (the ingredients in cheesecake would breed bacteria and become dangerous). Also, heating the cheesecakes up enough to seal the lids would cause your beautiful cheesecakes to separate and melt. Yucky.

    So, just put them in jars and keep them refrigerated. Maybe attach a note that tells your neighbors to keep them in the fridge and use them up within 4-5 days.

    Wish I were your neighbor! Sounds wonderful. Hope this helps. Happy baking!


  • Anything hot enough should seal the jar lid if the rim is clean and the lids.

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