Tornados! HELP, ASAP!?

There is a tornado warning in my area.

I live in a double wide and I have NO WHERE else to go!

Please, what should I do? :(

I'm so scared!





  • If the weather should get severe enough that you need to take shelter, remain calm. If possible get to the lowest level of the building/house and/or an interior room or area. This would be an area with no windows nor walls that share with the outside. Mobile homes/Double wides/Trailers are not safe places to be during a tornado or straight line winds. If you can, get to a sturdier building. If you can not get to a sturdier shelter, then find a low ditch or culvert and lay flat as can be face down. Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle. Some tornadoes have been known to travel up to 70MPH. Remember, REMAIN CALM!

  • Well, every time I hear a tornado warning on TV, they always say if you live in a trailer you should go to the nearest sturdy building. But since you made it clear you can't leave, if you have a room without windows (such as a closet), go in there and crouch down, preferably under a table. Or get into the bathtub and put a mattress or something over you.

  • Tornado's have been known to travel at high speeds of 100MPH, DON'T TRY TO OUTRUN IT! Open the windows (I know this sounds crazy) and flee into a bathtub or closet! GO WOMAN GO!

  • Go to someone else house, and or go to a local tornado shelter maybe. (Possibly)

  • Run for your life!!!!!! Get the hell out of there right now! Are you frigging kidding me? You will be ripped to shreads in a double wide.

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