was paranormal activity scary or not???????????

ok so was the movie scary or not?

what made it scary about it, (ex. things popping out at you, load noises, the music.)

what made it NOT scary?

what happened in the shower part?

should i watch it? '



i heard some people say they cant take a shower if they are alone because they are so scarerd after seeing this movie. what made them feel like this?


  • I saw this movie, and in my opinion, it was scarier than The Exorcist. What made it scary was actually the LACK of music. At night, it is just so quiet, and it eventually gets to you. Also, it is in home movie style. I think you should watch it if you are looking for a good scare. Just remember, it was filmed on a budget of like 15000 dollars (that is very low), so don't make fun of it

  • So I went to the theatres alone, hearing all this hype, I felt really excited!! (and let me tell you, I am the biggest chicken in the world.)

    It started off pretty slow..(Like most similar movies start off..)

    There were some creepy parts in between the boring bits. Parts that you would freak out at if it happened in real life.

    For about 90% of the movie, I was unbelievably pissed off at the main characters for their stupidity and some of the annoying things they said.

    There were a couple loud noise parts. Not a lot. Some footsteps and banging could be heard throughout the night.

    There was no music. Which was DEFINATELY a good choice.

    The thing that made it not scary was the characters for me. I couldn't feel sorry for them at any point. I wanted to, but I just couldn't!

    The only shower part I can think of is the part where the boyfriend was looking for the entity, and pulled the shower curtains back. Nothing was there...

    Um if you like ghostly activity and anything related, then sure. Go ahead and see it. I don't think it was a COMPLETE waste of time. (I've definately seen worse!).

    I think the hype kind of disappointed me.. I was really excited to be scared out of my wits!! I think I'll sleep fine tonight :(

    All in all, I would give it a 7 out of 10. I've definately seen scarier.

  • Not really scary at all.

    There is no shower scene I think you are thinking of the grudge.

    They should remake this idea into an actual movie vs. a cheap camera and a cheap budget. I think it might actually be good then vs. putting me to sleep.

    Either way here is a youtube clip of the cast describing the making of the movie and making fun of the ouija board.

  • not to me it wasn't. it was slow and boring, not even funny. it was a super low budget movie made for almost no money. i can't believe all the hype it's been getting. it looked more like some kid's film school class project, certainly not a major motion picture released by a major studio.

    i saw it yesterday on halloween during the matinee. i'm glad i only paid 7 bucks to see it. i'd have been really pizzed if i'd paid full price for that crap. the other folks around me seemed to really get into it though. they're either real easily amused or maybe thought they were watching real videos. i can see how someone might get scared if they thought they were watching something really happening. but to me it was obvious the whole thing was staged. to me it was nothing but some amateurish low budget garbage. it's no wonder so many people around the country wanted their money back.

  • If you are easily scared you would be scared.

    Plus i dont recall a shower part. The movie is better when the whole theatre is packed. Its fun to see how the people react to stuff popping out

  • the only really scary part is a part where they lay out powder and then find demon footprints, also the ending something pops out at you and it is a wee bit scary. shower part? there wasnt a shower part. although i did go to the bathroom once, oh i hope i didnt miss a cool part!

  • only like the last 20 minutes are scary

    the lack of music and the fact that is was a true story made it scary.

    it was funny

    you definitely should see it. im seeing it again


  • well it might scare some people but i wont scare others but i dont no ive never watched it its scary from what ive heared.

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