Why is Australia a beautiful country?

Please list at least 5 reasons why Australia is a beautiful country.




  • Cities:



    -Brisbane or Gold Coast








    -Tasmanian devils ... and many more

    Natural wonders:

    -Great Barrier Reef



    -The Kimberleys

    -All of Tasmania (particularly one of the world's largest wilderness reserves)

  • Colour - if you're a painter or photographer you would understand. Everywhere you look there is vibrant colour - from the red interior to the white snow, the golden beaches, deep blue waters and dark green rainforests - and everything in between

    Uniqueness - where else in the world can you have a coral reef, golden beaches, rainforests, deserts, and great rivers - all on one island?

    The people - like the land, the people in Australia are so diverse. Each state is developing its own character, accent, and local slang - and in most places, the people are friendly

    Freedom (in two areas) - Australia really is free. No, we don't have the right to bear arms, but that is what makes us free. More importantly - we are big enough that you can spread your arms without the risk of knocking someone's head off

    Humour - Australians have a unique, but fun sense of humour

  • Sammy, from an outsider, a non Australian: The people for their warmth and hospitality.

    The geographical location.

    The diversity of the country.

    The unique animal wild life.

    The food of different cultures seen as one culture.

    There are a lot more Sammy but I think these five will do.

  • definite! i'm Australian and am consistently surprised at our beautiful geographical area. I lived in Exmouth on the Ningaloo Reef for sixteen years and the beaches there are the main idyllic I fairly have seen (properly there are various beautiful beaches all around our great united states fairly!) i can not think of ever wanting to stay everywhere else interior the international...thats for specific.

  • the first answer.. oviously u don't understand the beautiful place we really have here. if you have been to other countries you'd understand how lucky we are and how beautiful it is here..

    anyway back to your question

    - we are a multicultural country (even all the sh*t u hear on the news it's not even fully true and they protrey us as a really racist country and we acturally all get along except for some people who arn't even australian.

    - we have freedom here, freedom to speak, freedom to do just about anything. Government helps us through everything when we need it.

    - We have beautiful beaches and great barrier reef.. if u ever visit here i suggest you visit wilsons prom in victoria every beach on it has different kind of sand and different water its just amazing

    - we have nature everywhere, i had magpies (birds) living in my backyard and it took some time but now they peck at the window if they want bread and i feed it too them.. its amazing how friendly and beautiful our animals are

    - What really makes australia beautiful is the people who live here.. we are so laid back and loving, even to people we don't know we are always willing too meet other people... we have so much respect for other people even tourists.. if you goto a country town and live there you'd know and be bestfriends with nearlly everyone!

    i think australia is a beautiful country and i don't think nobody gets how beautiful it is until they have left it for more than a year or more... i suggest you visit here.. i only realized what a country we are when i left!

  • * Ancient landscape well worn by the rigours of time.

    * Unique and exotic wildlife found nowhere else on Earth

    * Australians take pride in their country and don't treat it like a rubbish tip.

    * Australian waterways and marine areas are aren't as polluted as in some places of the world

    * Remoteness of some places makes them practically untouched by man, thus preserving their beauty.

  • 1. diversity in nature. eg: rainforests, cities, deserts, beaches, country towns

    2. animals.

    3. people. most people are easy to just talk to even if you don't know them

    4. multiculturalism. despite what's in the news and that bollywood movie they've made recently, if you come to australia(legally) and don't try to change the way we live, forcing your beliefs on us etc most people will welcome you, except for some racist pricks that you'll find in any multicultural country you go to

    5. vegemite. haha gotta add that to why australia is a beautiful country. if a non australian tries vegemite they find it disgusting but we've grown up with it and most australian's love it

  • I assume you don't live in Australia then, because it isn't all that great. ;)

    -It has nice beaches with reaaally soft sand

    -All the buildings are fairly spaced out and have decent sized gardens.

    -It has amazing landmarks, natural and man made e.g Ayers Rock, Sydney Opera House, stuff like that.

    -It has animals that are nowhere else in the world like the kangaroo, wombats, koala, platypus

    -There isn't really a lot of pollution, especially in comparison to places like China.

    I don't know if any of them are what you're looking for.


    Dear person dissing my comment, people in Australia have a thing called 'humour', hence why there was a winky face at the end of the comment. Why would I live here if I didn't like it?

    Also, John Eric, Australia isn't only desert and we don't talk with strange accents with corks hanging off of our hats, they are just stereotypes.

  • No tipping




    speak English

  • Hi,

    No, Australia is a country mostly a desert, you should go to the paradise islands of the Philippines.

    This may help!

    For those who are interested to read a "Candid and Amusing" Philippine travel guide entitled "Amazing Archipelago," just click on the website below for more information:


    Good luck and happy reading.

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