POLL: How many Text messages do you do a month?

So far this mont I've 6,310 text messages this month.

What about you?


I usaully do about 6,000 - 7,000 a month


  • about 15,000 a month.

  • wth do you've a life contained in the outstanding month i in ordinary words despatched like 500 and im 15 too and that i have a gazillion associates too thank god identification truly draw close in man or woman than textual content and lol i merely grew to change into 15 like 3 days in the past and that i desire you've a sturdy bday besides

  • Well, the texting thing comes to me in waves... right now, no one is really texting me alot (I'm not on the wave), however, when I am getting texted all the time.... I send about 500 a day, and receive about 500 a day... so that's 15,500 sent and 15,500 received every month... or 31,000 all together... HOLY LORD! I DIDN'T REALIZE I TEXTED SO MUCH!!!

  • About 2 a week = 8 approx.

  • I hit about 5000 a month but a break up sorta cut that number to more like 4000 haha...

  • Thats rerally bad thats like your whole life. Texting is soo over rated at sometimes. i do about mabey 100 a month. thats more like it

  • 2000 coz it cost me! not free with the package like u guys

  • i can only do 500 a month because my parents wont get unlimited for me.

  • Mmmm... 4,000-6,000 maybe? ahaha

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