dog shedding is a problem?

My dog which is chihuahua with a cross bred of Japanese Chin. She is shedding until we are thinking of getting rid of the dog. Help?


  • Well Try To Comb Her Everyday And She Will Probably Shed Less Because She Will Have Less Hair To Shed.

  • What a pathetic excuse of a dog owner. ALL dogs shed. Brush the dog, put her on good high quality food. Do not let this dog go all because she sheds some. If you are going to do that then you do not need to own another animal. Sad

  • Good going getting rid of a dog because it sheds, will your parents get rid of the kids because they cry?

    Dogs shed. YOU as owner need to brush them daily and use appropriate means to keep the furniture clean ( a damp sponge or the lint brushes work). You're hardly going to get us to believe you thought there would be no fur involved?

  • Both breeds are shedding breeds - this should have come up during your research. How utterly irresponsible to get a dog without doing the research, then dump it when something isn't perfect....

    Daily brushing. Vacuuming. Not something to dump the dog over.

  • Brush at least once a day. With short haired dogs I found the best brush to use is a horse brush. They can b found at a farm store like thiesens and are around 5 dollars.

  • If you did your reasearch before getting the dog this wouldn't be a problem but brush your dog every day and you shouldn't see as much hair. If you decide to get rid of the dog PLEASE don't send it somewhere where it is going to be euthanized.

  • Groom her everyday. Almost all dogs shed, it is impossible to get around. Please do not get rid of her for this reason. You should of done your homework before adopting if you were afraid of that. Get used to the hair, it really isn't bad

  • all dogs shed

    \brush every day

    use furminator shampoo treatment to help

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