Painkiller: Judas Priest vs Death?

Which version do you prefer?

The original Judas Priest one:

The Death cover:

I personally prefer Death's version. The solo has a very exotic feel to me...


Death's version makes me think of some Egyptian desert with pyramids in the distance, under a red-purple sky...


  • Judas Priest version. I'm not the biggest Priest fan but it's an awesome song and even though I like the Death version, I don't think it comes off as well.

  • I'll have to go with Priest. The intro drums are more fluent. Rob lets you enjoy the starting riff instead of sceaming as soon as it starts (no disrespect to Chuck) and Rob's screams are much better handled. I'm kind of biased about the solo because I'm just so used to the original.

    Priest's version makes me think about crushing everything in sight.

  • *GASP!* You *******!

    I was just about to ask a question like this today! Oh, well, saves me five points. :P

    Oooooooooh, boy, this is tough... I love Judas Priest, but since covers OF Judas Priest usually suck, and Death blew away my expectations... I miiiiiiight give the edge to Death.

  • Give me Death. It's darker and more brutal. Priest is no slouch, however. Halford pulls off the vocals better.

  • Im preferential to Priest's version

  • Judas Priest all the way!!!! The Priest is awesome :D

  • I have to go with Priest here! My favorite Priest album by far.

  • I prefer the Death version. It reminds me of the Carribean. =]

  • I'm partial to Priest's orginal cut, It's Halford how can I go against him?

  • Priest's version...definitely! It's f'in sexy as hell the way Halford sings that!

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