How do u cover up a facial hair shadow?

im a 23 year transgender girl and im having the hardest time covering up my facial hair shadow, i use concealer and foundation now, it covers good but rubs off easily, because its liquidy instead of dry, is there a way i can make it dry or different products i could use? Thanks!


  • I used to have the same problem hun, before I had Electrolysis.

    I am guessing you have a heavy Beard growth, which creates dark patches on your face.

    Before you shave, try putting some moisturizer over your beard, and work it in. Maybe in the time takes to shower, leave it on your face. Wet shave as per normal, following the grain of your beard growth, then apply a little moisturizer again and take a new razor (important) and Shave carefully against the grain. I think then you will find your face is baby smooth.

    If you do not need too, don't shave the next day, as too much shaving can irritate.

    Use a good light concealer, then use a cream foundation, and pat it on, not rub!

    wait about 5 - 10 minutes then apply the foundation again, if you think you need too.

    Follow up with a good setting powder, this will set the foundation, and it will not rub off so much.

    Finally, take a large blush brush, and remove the residual.

    You may want to consider Electrolysis yourself, even if you are just a crossdresser. Your own complexion will be much better, and you wouldn't need to worry about being exposed, because no one questions it. Besides, any woman or man you end up with, will thank you for it, no one likes to kiss a scratchy face.

  • Theatre makeup trick: Before applying foundation, take a sparing amount of 'clown white' and use it to create a slight paleness in the area to be covered. Apply your foundation over it and blend carefully. By lightening the shadow area before applying your foundation, the shadow should be effectively masked. When you apply the white, do it very sparingly. You don't want simply want to use the white to lighten the area significantly. Feather the edges of the white out. Don't leave a discernable line. Your foundation over the feathered-out edges of the white will require less blending. In the cheek area, the addition of any blusher can also serve to disguise any perception of color differentiation.

  • aren't there like hormones or supplements that you can take to get more feminine features that lessen hair-growth? i think i've heard of something like that...idk how expensive they are though. sounds like it might be pricey.

    i think you can get a laser treatment to remove your facial hair. that's probably pricey up front but you wouldn't have to buy products to cover it up anymore. i think you have to get touch ups sometimes though.

  • Always set creams and liquid makeup with a powder. This will seal in your makeup and make it last longer!

  • get that kind of foundation....My mom uses it... can email/IM me if you need some tips. I'm a teen girl so...I know a lot about this stuff =)

  • get it will cost you about $5-7K

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