Do you delete your old massages...?

I like to reread mine...


Thank you infinite... I'll ask him later :)


  • If I don't have a reason to hold on to them, I delete them.


  • i like to remember the feeling of a good massage, been a long time since i had one though! lol

  • I've saved loads of messages.

    Some because they are lovely, some because they are funny and some in case I need them as evidence.

  • I delete mine

  • Well.. only if i've moved on to a new one really...

    but its not really ever a good idea to go back

    dR bad

    gets messy... like reading the same book...twice.. although you may enjoy it..

  • I delete some of my old messages.

  • I keep them and go back and read a few every now and then

  • so I have loads - nearly a thousand I think!

    I split them into differnt folders, so I can't be bothered to add them up exactly - but I like to re-read them too!

  • i keep all my nice ones - especially from my boyfriend. but i delete all the boring ones

  • i delete them. just in case anyone else reads them....but i put a lock on my cell so no one can get in it :]

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