How to Astral Project?

I want to astral project on command! I don't know how, but I'm convinced with some dreams that I've had that I have left my body and gone to strange places. I have read things on the internet today on how to do so, but it just seems like so many steps to do. I'm sure there is a simpler way to perform an astral projection, but I have no idea how to do it.

When I believe I astral project, I'm usually really sleepy and awake, but my eyes are openly slightly. My vision is blurry, but I'm still able to see. Then I see another thing underneath the blurriness that doesn't always looks like anything normal. I can usually feel what them and what they sometimes do to me. Only once have they harmed me, the rest of the time they are either overly friendly or they don't even notice me and may just glance at me and then go back to what they were doing initially.

I don't think mine is a meditation or any sort. Perhaps day dreaming? I get this instead of sleeping too, and my dreams are somewhat morbid or sexual. I can feel everything and I remember all of them when this happens. I have come across the same people and creatures almost every time I "go there." Come to think of it, I might be just escaping to my world that I created. Everything becomes more vivid every time I go there. Practice makes perfect?

Anyways, I want to know how to perform a real astral projection. What are ways to do this? If possible, could anyone tell me what I'm doing if it's not astral projecting?

Please and thank you!


P.S. This happens quite a lot, I forgot to mention that...


  • There's no short cut to teaching yourself to be able to do it and do it so you can consciously control it.

    I just googled it and every website says basically the same thing, so you just got to pick one, and follow those instructions, which are basically all the same.

  • The quickest way is to take some very potent LSD. But of course no guarantees that you will make it back to your body

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