Do you think Obama is diplomatic?

Obama was angry with some comments by Hillary and then mocked her support of gun rights saying, "She knows better. Shame on her. Shame on her."

He continued, laughing along with his audience, "She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley."

I remember him insulting Prime Minister Howard as well because he didn't like his remarks. And we all know what he's been saying about white and small town Americans. Is he vindictive or diplomatic?


  • That's because he supports taking guns away from HONEST, LEGAL, LAW ABIDING citizens. This helps prove his elitist attitude if you ask me. ........Obamas view is only his kind of people, law enforcement, military should have guns that way we never have a chance to save ourselves from tyranny in government.............

  • Obama is usually very diplomatic. That's why, when he slips up, everyone is so willing to pounce on him. Hillary goes around letting all sorts of foul things fall from her lips, and her words never get picked up on, mainly because Obama doesn't feel the need to rip apart her every word.

    Everyone has moments when what they mean to say isn't exactly what ends up being said. Obama's comments were made in the context of trying to let Pennsylvania voters know that they will be heard in ways they have long given up on. MANY Pennsylvania citizens have come forward since that time to say they were NOT offended by the remarks and that everyone knows there's bitterness there. It would be crazy if there were NOT a little bitterness there considering what people have gone through in the past couple generations.

    Hillary is just waiting in the wings for ANY slip-up she can find in order to topple Obama. For her, it's win at all costs. Hell, she can't even face the fact that it's curtains for her soon. I think that even when Obama gets the nomination and beats McCain, Hillary will be pulling up to the White House with a U-Haul trying to elbow her way past him to get her Pottery Barn sofa in the front entrance.

  • Obama has good intentions and does actually care about the American people. He has every right to take a few swings.

    "No, I think he is young and inexperienced and will say and do anything to get elected."

    I just want to add, experience does not necessarily mean a candidate is fit for presidency. Usually these old farts come in and cling on to their outdated values that just are not geared toward helping the American people. But unless you want another George Bush in office to destroy the economy further and bring relentless war to other countries, then Obama is the most fit for office.

  • Def a "D" word but not diplomatic.... Time and time again he has proven himself to be "Divisive". Maybe he was laughing because he is starting to realize just how much of a joke he has become.

  • Extremely diplomatic and charismatic. To all of his haters out there, I highly suggest you practice it from now so it will be easier on you in november,

    President Barrack Obama.

  • I thought it was pretty funny, myself. It's clear when you watch it that he's joking. To me, when he makes a remark like that, it sounds like a good-natured ribbing being administered from a friend rather than a personal attack launched on an opponent. It's not much more venomous than Hillary challenging him to a bowl-off. And I think he has every right to defend himself when Hillary and McCain are busy taking his words out of context and twisting them around. The politics of hope are not the politics of pacifism.

  • Sounds like you are as out of touch as McCain and Hillary.

    Barack Obama is a Constitutional law professor. I think our Constitution will be safer with him in office then what we have now.

  • Obama is anything but diplomatic...and that is very worrisome if he would be elected President...his attitude would start WWIII!

    Yeah I heard that comment calling her Annie Oakley...well Buckwheat better go back to Chicago and crawl back in his hole!!

    Obama needs to grow up...he is too immature! This PROVES that if he were the Democratic nominee, he will NEVER be able to withstand the Republican criticism! They will tear him up...and we will see Obama's true temper!

  • Do you think Obama is diplomatic?

    No, Cult Conditioning 101 -Program thinking - not manners! Perhaps Wright and the other haters overlooked public viewing while they were programming Obama's thinking!

  • Who's the ones throwing insults? I think Obama has taken more than his fair share of insults. Yes, he is more diplomatic than MCHILLARY. Those two can't stop throwing cheap shots at him while he just stands his ground. Hypocrite!

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