Do sociopaths deserve life?

This guy in my office is a complete sociopath. He lies, cheats and makes people feel sorry for him. Most of the women believe him. I know what he is and he is ruthless. If he wasn't standing in my way I'd probably admire his sleaziness.

However we are both in line for a promotion and only one of us can get it. I just know that he's plotting ways to destroy and discredit me. i have found out his home address and am thinking of visiting his house just to let him know I can find him.

I know that sociopaths have no emotions but do they understand intimidation? What other choice do I have? I'm not leaving and I'm not letting him stand in my way!


  • They eventually give themselves away, so all you have wait and he will have to move on to someplace where people don't know him. I have worked with several and they succeed for a while, but it does not last.

  • No they don't deserve at epitome of evil.

    You have only two options whether to give way or to stay and fight to finish him off. Sociopath has no Remorse, Shame or Guilt

    A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let "nothing stand in their way".

  • Institutionalization. They cannot help that their brains are defecit of the requities of being non-sociopath. Crazy is Crazy. luckilly the world is on the way to better understanding the mind and what defects people are born into that cause their behavior to become criminal or antisocial or sociopathic. Our society is built currently on "right and wrong" and "punishment".... and religion... but thats not the whole truth. we need to continue to work science for preventative measures to see what we can do about people who are born and become bad people for whatever reasons be it environmental or genetic... because people either are criminals or they arent... and its always been that way and will continue to be until we find a way to make it better. punishment is not the whole answer as theres always other people coming up behind to commit the crime over again. if our system WORKED, then people wouldnt commit crime. but they do. People are people and they are animals just like other animals. If you visit his house to let him know you can "find him" thats a nice way of losing your job or facing misdemeanour criminal charges. don't do it.

  • Bloody hell! Read back to yourself what you just wrote and then ask, who is the sociopath?

  • rapists and murderers such as those who rape, and torture to death people like little four year old girls or boys do not deserve right to life at all, my beagle dog deserves better.

    btw you sound nuts

  • of course not, and we should give them air - minus the oxygen, the cheapest and most humane way.

    But the thought will always remain, "what if they simply want to die?"

    edit: my bad, I thought this was about that Jared kid...

  • Sociopaths should be punched in the balls.

  • Puncture his brake lines.

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