Do you prefer eggs or pancakes for breakfast?

If eggs, how do you like them?

if pancakes, what kind of syrup is your favorite?


  • eggs - over easy w/toast for dipping

    maple syrup only for me please

  • Pancakes with maple syrup.

  • On a school day, i could desire to eat cereal and perhaps a Yoplait smoothie or yogurt because of the fact I even have 2 get to the bus end quickly. yet on weekends my dad could desire to revive Baron Verulam and eggs. i truthfully want cooked breakfasts however because of the fact they are greater filling. fairly plenty the only cooked weekday element I even have is microwave turkey Baron Verulam.

  • I would say pancakes, just go to Ihop and get some those are delicious :)

  • I eat eggs more often.I like them scrambled,with salt,and pepper.

  • Neither...l prefer bran flakes and banana.

  • neither I dont do breakfast YUCK

  • Eggs, sunny side up thanks


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