Do you need a bra?

This question is for MEN. lolol

If you DO need a bra.... what size?

Women, could your man use a bra?

What was it called on "Seinfeild"? .... a Manzere. lol

Did you notice O.J. needs one? I'd say about a 48C


  • I do not need one.

    ? How do these guys let themselves go, so badly.

    Class reunions are a hoot !

  • I’m a man. I started wearing a bra when I was in my teens… only once in a while. The problem is once you wear one, you’re hooked for life. I am now in my 40’s. Yesterday I went to the leggs hanes balli playtex outlet to be fitted for a bra. They will fit men. I bought a barely there training bra. It’s cool because I can wear it under a plain shirt and no one can tell that I’m wearing a bra. I plan to wear the Training bra every day, until I get used to wearing one in public. (It’s easier to get used to if nobody knows.) After years of wearing all kinds of other bras, and trying to hide them, or staying at home, or taking them off whenever I leave the house, It is nice to wear this training bra all the time. It just really seems to make it easy to get used to wearing one all the time, even in public. Half the problem for me was being nervous in public wearing one. This is helping me get past that nervousness, and get comfortable with wearing a bra everywhere I go. I do not know if I will wear a regular bra in public, but It will be easier if I chose to do that, because I will already be comfortable with the bra itself.

  • I watched Borat again the other night, did you see the big guy? He had at least a size DD. I think he needs a manzere (or Bro)

  • there was discussion about what the name should have been either manzeire or the man-bro but either way, my man wouldnt need a bra

  • Its a Manzere or a Bro.

    But its actually not that funny... its called Gynecomastia and is an actual condition.

  • my man doesn't need a bra he's like an A cup

  • lolz...ohh yeah O.J does need a bra

  • I know plenty of guys who need a bra....

  • it was a manzere and also called the 'bro'. my man doesn't need one.

  • Manboobs and a sixpack are supposed to be sexy

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