How do I write a teacher a note?

I've been having some stressful personal issues at home and with my school work and I want to talk to an adult (family isn't an option) I have a teacher who's noticed my school works suffering (just a little) and that i've been upset he's asked me if i'm okay a few times, he asked me infront of others but quietly, and when he asked me he looked really serious and looked me right in the eyes, I always said I was fine but he would just keep looking me in the eyes and smile (I could tell he didn't believe me). He's usually really nice to me becasue I'm a good kid and I trust him. I want to tell him I need to talk and I think it would be easiest to do in a note but I don't know how to state it, I don't want it to be a ramble but I also don't want it to sound like I just need homework help, how do I do that?


  • dont write a note. go to him in the afternoon or when he is free, then tell him that i have some personal issues that i want to discuss with you. thats the best way as u can betetr understand his advice.

  • Just state exactly what you stated here...that you need to talk to an adult and family isn't an option, That you trust him and you know your work has been lacking a bit and you don't want that to continue. It's going to be too hard for you to explain your entire problem without sounding like your rambling or it might not be interpreted the way you intend, so in your note ask If you can talk with him before or after school/class one day or during his planning period. Good luck And good for you for having the courage to talk to an adult.

  • If you feel you need to write a note, do it briefly and to the point. Just say you are experiencing some personal issues you would like to discuss with him and ask when would be the best time for him. Thank him, and sign your name.

    The rest of the conversation should be in person when he makes time for the talk. It would be impossible to get everything down that you want to say without rambling and if you are face to face with him, you can interact as needed. Bravo for you that you are going to confide in someone you trust about your problems. Best of luck to you.

  • If you feel more comfortable leaving a note, then do so. Just make it short but informative. He'll get the basic message of you needing an adult to speak to outside of an audience. Don't hesitate though, do it now.

  • Dear Mr. Teacher's Last Name,

    I am wondering if you have some time. I have some family issues I wish to discuss. I am wondering if you will help me with this. Pleas respond at your convenience by contacting me after class or by listing your available times on one of my homework or tests you return after grading.

    Thank you,

    Your name here

  • If you want to go about writing a note, keep it professional (don't act like you're writing one to your best friend). Say "Mr. Teacher, I've been having some issues at home and I really want to talk to you about it. Can we please make a time to where we can talk about it? Thanks"

  • Mr. Teacher :

    May I talk to you about some issues I am experiencing at home?


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