Why do car speeds exceed highway speed?

Ok, so I looked at the speed limit on my car which is 160 mp/h, and I don't understand.. Why would you need such FAST speeds, and you can't use them? It's also impossible for someone to drive at that speed without injury, or a car crash. That makes no sense, so anybody know why cars are made that way?

P.s I know in Germany there is a Highway with no speed limit so you could drive as fast as you want but I live in New Jersey dude :p


  • Honestly now - would you buy a car that ONLY has a top speed of 55 MPH?

    Speed sells and THAT is the reason car makers are in business (for the money!)

  • for racing... and its definitelly not impossible to go that fast without injury or a car crash... but most cars have a governor on them which prevents the car from reaching certain speeds...

  • Cars exceed speed limits because how else would the police make their quota handing out tickets for victimless crimes? They need to justify their existence, remember that.

  • In CA they are announcing a cop won't bust you in case you're in straight forward terms going 4 miles over th velocity decrease. i chanced on that to be actual. particular, on the comparable time as going the value decrease indoors the wonderful lane people will bypass you up such as you're prestige whether. yet they do get busted plenty. I incredibly have seen it on the comparable time as police officers have pulled over 2 or 3 automobiles top now.

  • So that when we spot someone with as little intelligence as yourself we can get away as quickly as possible. Did you just seriously say it's impossible to exceed the speed limit without suffering injury? Please oh please oh please delete your yahoo account, quickly power down your PC, climb to the highest floor of the building you are currently in, and toss your computer out the nearest window. Please take caution though, when throwing the computer out the window do NOT let go of you. You MUST go out the window with it.

  • So you can outrun the government when they try to declare martial law.

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