Serious Cramps!?

On the first or second day of my period, i get cramps.

From the moment i wake up, till I fall asleep.

My cramps hurt so much, I do not think it is normal.

On the night that I have cramps, I can not fall asleep.

I know it sounds stupid, but last time I cried cause I was just so frusterated and I could not sleep, the pain was so severe.

Any tips?


  • Drink chamomile tea to prevent pain, strain, cramps, bloating, gas and discomfort.

  • I have been in that boat and it SUCKS... And I cried too... I had to go to the doctor finally and get BC... It really does help... not every month but the majority of them.. I would say I get the cramps real bad now only once every 5 periods... And when I get them now, I pop 3 Advil Liquid Gels (with the ok from my doc) and I am able to sleep well. Good luck.

  • damn i hate when that happens,

    but pleeze don't worry.

    it's totally normal.

    the best thing you can do is eat some banana's or iced tea

    helps, calcium can really help.

    and hun pleeze don't sit and mope around,

    i know yea it hurts, but it's worse if you sit on the couch and cry. get outside and move around it makes your cramps go away.

    and what's goin on while you have cramps, it's cleaning out your system, it's getting rid of dead blood cells, and thats why it hurts. but you need to know exactly what to do when that happens and i did my best,

    but the best thing you can do is do some chores around the house or pick up your yard, you will soon find out after 10 minutes that you won't need any midol at all. lol

    honest to god this does work!

    i hope you feel better hun.

  • oh, i know how you feel!! i am exactly the same. my friends have told me that its all in my head sometimes, but seriously, they don't have a clue!!! going to sleep on the first couple of days is torture, the pain is unbearable, i lie there, hands on stomach scrunched up in pain, then turn over and do the same again!!

    i don't think my tips are nothing you haven't heard before but i'd say taking some good painkillers helps, and maybe a hot water bottle for going to sleep, i don't have one yet, but i am gonna buy one!!

    don't worry tho, you are not alone, i have found myself crying cause of the pain!!

  • You need to take midol or pamprin or ask your mom about the hot water bottles and put it on your waist while siting in the bath tub.

  • Midol/Pamprin... Tylenol/Advil... hot water bottle or heating pad on lower tummy... having orgasms... light exercise... eating bananas and drinking ginger ale (extra potassium)... avoiding salt and caffeine...

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