I am a grade 1 piano player grade 1? can i teach piano to younger kids?

Im 13 and would like to teach i have done elementary,Premlinary and Primary can i teach piano?

Reply ASAP!


  • Please, please, no. Don't even think of teaching until you have a thorough understanding of technique yourself.

    Would you put a second grader who was a bit behind in reading in charge of teaching reading to first graders?

  • Am not sure if are you a teacher in a day care or are you the mother of the kids? If you're the mother, I don't see any problem why not. Although Dora the Explorer may have some Spanish words it's best to realize that sometimes, words in Spanish when being pronounced by non-speaking Spanish person can sometimes butcher the word or in other words mispronounce it. Bear in mind that correct pronunciation starts from the first time you introduce a certain word/s or character/s to the child/ren. If you're a teacher, it would be best to ask a permission from the respective parents as avoid any conflict in the near future.

  • Better leave it to someone way higher than grade 1. You can focus on getting to grade 2.

  • This is like the blind leading the blind and the leader asking to get paid for it.


    Would you have paid money to someone like you just one year ago? I think it likely not. You would have found the idea crazy or repellent.

    Don't do it. Like the doctor's oath, "Do no harm," at this point harm is what you are more likely to do to someone just like you one year ago.

  • Better erase this question before Mamianka sees it.

    She's going to say no.

    Only that's not the way she's going to put it.

  • Is This a serious question

    obviously not...

    you're only at grade one!

  • Do you feel like you could teach somebody already?

  • Yes, ........ On second thought no please don't

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