life is a dream???....?

so here is another one of my theories.

lets say this is all dream, your life is a dream, and what we comprehend as dreaming is actually (life, the universe, magic, whatever you wanna call it) starting a new start to your dream, so when you wake up that is the actual dream not what we actually thought was dreaming when we were asleep.


okay then lets say this, the people we see are people in this world, but we make them what they are, each person has their own world that they are living in and we are seeing them here in our world. however we also exist in their world, whether they know us in their world or not they are all playing different rolls we just see them as what they appear to us in our "reality"


  • I know I have no capability to dream anything as complex and dynamic as life.

  • A dream but not a dream because we have all five/six senses and experience but not sleeping. We call it "think" than dream. But not too different because dream is thought too only uncontrolled. E.g. REM is just a thought process without actual control as consciousness is weak. Why do we see things in dream? Bet there can such things in reality but the distorted thought (recognition) changes the reality somewhat.

  • I get it, but that is not all there is to it. Reality is subjective. To say otherwise is still a subjctive statement. If you like pondering concepts such as this I would suggest you study Zen. It may help you se the 'dream' for what it really is.

  • This theory is preposterous, for dreaming implies a separate existence of a 'not dreaming', but, that is impossible, because, as you say yourself, 'all is a dream', but how can all be a dream, and there exist something outside of dreaming. Likewise, waking up implies the opposite as well, a former state of sleeping, but, clearly, there can be no waking up if we enter into a new dream in the same sleep, ergo, it refutes itself. The only answer, is, of course, Berkeley's answer- there is no material, we are all just God's thinking.

  • YES! i finally met someone who has the same thoughts as i do. (We should meet....for reals) I do believe that our minds that operate at like 10-20% are restricting to what we can really achieve. While sleeping, our brains use all 100% of it, think of it as a force like star wars. in dreams, utilizing all power, we can bend and shape matter, where physics will not play. I also think that our dreams are a universal sandbox, where each person that is sleeping gets into our dream. Lets say that i meet you and supposivly kill you, you will not die in reality cause you are sleeping and contantly repairing your body, thus a fatal impact in the dream world will hurt a little in reality, but you will not die. Its a place for us to play without limits. Since we usually do not remember dreams when we wake, it acts as a barrier for what is real and what is not. So many people will not confuse themselves. Think about it, do you remember anything about reality when you dream? Do you know what you ate for dinner before sleeping? Hm? MINDBLOWING

  • This is a load of hog-wash. What about real dreams our brains produce in our sleep? What are those? Is this inception? I believe that we will never discover the true meaning of life. Life is one of the most simple yet complicated things there is.

  • If life is a dream, why would it be external to our minds? I mean, why would other people genuinely exist in our dreams, wouldn't they just be figments of our imaginations? What it seems like yo're trying to get at is an slightly altered version of solipsism.

  • Yeah I get the same theories and so many of them that I can't figure out which one is better. Life is so hard to understand but I feel that I am close, but then I see there is more and more that I must theorise about too.

  • So everyone is in this same dream together? At the same time? So this is the matrix? Lol.

    Does it really matter what the hell life is? Just live it and stop thinking so god damn hard about it.

  • “There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imaginations of ourselves.”

    -Bill Hicks

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