why do pretty girls attract a$$hole guys?

the ones that think the more the merrier and will cheat on them.


i think it's because girls choose the wrong guy, which is the super hot looking guy with a horrible personality which actually makes it their own fault.


  • Pretty girls attract all types of guys (as do some easy loose heavy set ugly type girls). I know some girls that looked so beautiful on the outside when I first met them but once I got to knowing them then they started looking ugly to me because of their using cuss words when they talked or various things they did. By the way the reason people cuss is because the can't thing of something intelligent to say. This age in society it seems that very few people takes their wedding vows serious or really know what true love is. Beauty always comes from within....this is one of the reason GOD looks on the inside of a person. Our outer made up so call beauty dose not impress HIM at all, By always being real and ones true self your beauty will always sparkle, have a sparkling, special day. David C

  • Cuz pretty girls attract every guy. Why do they choose the ******** guys - like they said. Usually they also are hot, or fun, or mysterious. Try to pick a nice, sincere guy.

  • because asshole guys tend to be good looking, so they can choose who they want to date. girls date them because the bad boy thing is hot. i learned that one the hard way

  • They are a big flirt nice talkers at first.

    Don't girls just like guys like that?

  • ash@le guys are the ones who know their hot

  • Cause ugly girls don't attract anybody.

  • yea there the type that thinks there shi[t don't stink.

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